Net::Amazon::DynamoDB - Simple interface for Amazon DynamoDB
Simple to use interface for Amazon DynamoDB
If you want an ORM-like interface with real objects to work with, this is implementation is not for you. If you just want to access DynamoDB in a simple/quick manner - you are welcome.
See for latest release.
my $ddb = Net::Amazon::DynamoDB->new(
access_key => $my_access_key,
secret_key => $my_secret_key,
tables => {
# table with only hash key
sometable => {
hash_key => 'id',
attributes => {
id => 'N',
name => 'S'
# table with hash and reange key key
othertable => {
hash_key => 'id',
range_key => 'range_id',
attributes => {
id => 'N',
range_id => 'N',
attrib1 => 'S',
attrib2 => 'S'
# create both tables with 10 read and 5 write unites
$ddb->exists_table( $_ ) || $ddb->create_table( $_, 10, 5 )
for qw/ sometable othertable /;
# insert something into tables
$ddb->put_item( sometable => {
id => 5,
name => 'bla'
} ) or die $ddb->error;
$ddb->put_item( sometable => {
id => 5,
range_key => 7,
attrib1 => 'It is now '. localtime(),
attrib1 => 'Or in unix timstamp '. time(),
} ) or die $ddb->error;