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ufrisk edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

Memory Acquisition Method: USB3380 (Hardware)

The LeechCore library supports reading memory using USB3380 PCIe to USB hardware.

Facts in short:

  • Is supported on all supported platforms.
  • Acquires memory in read/write mode.
  • Acquired memory is assumed to be volatile.
  • Have additional requirements.

The USB3380 is only able to acquire memory below 4GB due to a 32-bit addressing limitation. The USB3380 is slow when acquiring sparse non-contiguous memory. FPGA devices are recommended over the USB3380 when acquiring memory with PCIe DMA.

Connection string:

LeechCore API:

Please specify the acquisition device type (and optionally the USB2 option to downgrade speed) LC_CONFIG.szDevice when calling LcCreate. Examples: USB3380 or USB3380://USB=2.

PCILeech / MemProcFS:

Please specify the device type in the -device option.


-device USB3380

-device USB3380://USB=2


Requires the USB3380 hardware which is connected to the target computer over PCIe and to the analysis computer over USB.

On Windows no additional requirements exist while it depends on libusb on Linux. For more details check out the PCILeech USB3380 README in the PCILeech project.