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The OSC Docs website is a source of truth for projects and club activity at the University of Florida's Open Source Club. More specifically, it hosts user and developer documentation for the various projects started each semester. This project uses Docusaurus to quickly and conveniently generate static sites from Markdown files.

This project is self-documenting. See



  1. Git
  2. NodeJS & NPM

Clone the repository:

git clone

Navigate to the installed directory and install the NodeJS dependencies:

cd osc-docs
npm install


Starting the webserver:

npm start

You can access the website by visiting http://localhost:3000 on your browser.

Linting & fixing:
This project adheres to the Javascript Standard syntax style, use linting to show you a list of syntax errors that you'll need to correct.

npm run lint

To automatically fix these, you can run:

npm run fix

Keep in mind that some syntax issues cannot be automatically resolved, in which case you'll need to run npm run lint again and resolve them manually.


Maintained by the UF Open Source Club, can be contacted via Discord

Current Maintainers:

  • Michail Zeipekki @zeim839
  • Daniel Wildsmith @danielwildsmith


All contributions are welcome and appreciated, so long as they adhere to the license. Contributors are urged to familiarize themselves with the contribution guidelines.


Copyright (C) 2023 Open Source Club