Python version of GIMMEcpg, developed with Polars and H2OAutoML
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -r REF [-c MINCOV] [-d MAXDISTANCE]
[-k] [-a] [-t RUNTIME] [-m MAXMODELS] [-s]
Options for imputing missing CpG sites based on neighbouring sites:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --input Path to directory of bed files (make sure it contains only the bed files to be analysed)
-o, --output Path to output directory
-r, --ref Path to reference methylation file
-c, --minCov Minimum coverage to consider methylation site as present. Default = 10
-d, --maxDistance Maximum distance between missing site and each neighbour for the site to be imputed. Default = all sites considered
-k, --collapse Choose whether to merge methylation sites on opposite strands together. Default = False
-a, --accurate Choose between Accurate and Fast mode. Default = Fast
-t, --runTime Time (seconds) to train model. Default = 3600s (2h)
-m, --maxModels Maximum number of models to train within the time specified under --runTime. Excludes Stacked Ensemble models
-s, --streaming Choose if streaming is required (for files that exceed memory). Default = False