To run both pipelines:
1. Start the MAVROS node. `./` Refer to Navigation's README for further instructions.
2. Run the imaging pipeline. `py` enter the two options for using the gopro and real location when prompted
3. Run guided_mission. `./launch_scripts/`
Right now the payload code is under navigation/guided_mission/
running that with a command like py navigation/guided_mission/
will let you open and close the motors.
is the main script to run. If you want to test it without doing the payload drop you can add env vars to the launch script like so: MOCK_PAYLOAD=y ./launch_scripts/
. You can change the wait_for_imaging
keyword argument of mission_loop
in the main function to choose whether or not it waits for imaging to be done.
To kill any of the processes early, do ctrl+backslash(\\
). This is necessary because a lot of our scripts don't respond to the normal ctrl+c
interrupt signal.
- make sure you're in the root of the repository
docker build -t uavf2023 .
(or use the VSCode docker build command)- in VSCode, run
Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container
, choose "From 'DockerFile'" to create the container configuration, and you can just not select any features then press OK.
To commit your changes you'll need a separate IDE or terminal window open, or login with git inside the dev container.