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How to Read the Router Example
This page will take you through a very detailed, nearly line by line walk through of the implementation of a Router and of the code that tests that implementation. Along the way there will be links to further discussions on specific topics, in particular, the relationship between what is Chisel and what is Scala.
The goal of this page is primarily to provide a reading knowledge of chisel, how to look at the code and break down what is what. Other docs will describe the development of Chisel code in more detail.
Our Router will support three operations:
- Rout: An input packet will be routed to a specific output based on the packet header. The output is configurable.
- Write: Sets the routing table, i.e. maps the packet header to a specific output
- Read: Allows the routing table to be read. This router has flow control, so operations will only be performed when input is valid and receiving outputs are ready. Let's get started.
If you have gotten this far you probably already have understood the organization of a Chisel project. This write-up is about two files:
- src/main/scala/examples/Router.scala
- src/test/scala/examples/RouterTests.scala
1 // See LICENSE for license details.
3 package examples
Line 1 //
is a comment prefix, this comment is just advising users to read the accompanying license file.
Line 3 specifies the package name the package name. Package names should reflect the directory hierarchy of the containing files. See Scala: Things you should know
5 import chisel3._
6 import chisel3.util.{DeqIO, EnqIO, log2Ceil}
Imports tell the scala compiler to look for things that are not locally defined. Line 5 imports the bulk of chisel3 functionality, the _ is, in this context, a wild card directing the compiler to have access to all public code in the chisel3 package. It is a very good idea to always start by putting this line in. IDEs such as IntelliJ will try to automatically import things and in this process will sometimes import the alternative import Chisel.<...>
. Capital Chisel in an import enables a backward compatibility mode that will allow use of some deprecated constructs. Important: always use chisel3 instead of Chisel unless you have very specific reasons to use compatibility mode. Line 6 imports some additional specific classes from the chisel3.util package. More on these later.
8 object Router {
9 val addressWidth = 32
10 val dataWidth = 64
11 val headerWidth = 8
12 val routeTableSize = 15
13 val numberOfOutputs = 4
14 }
Here we are using a companion object Router
as a place to define some useful constants for our project. A companion object is a singleton that is automatically instantiated. It's a good place to put constants. In this example, a number of constants are declared, val addressWidth = 32
. val
says that addressWidth cannot be changed, i.e. is a constant. This constant can be referenced elsewhere as Router.addressWidth
. The name Router can still be used as a class name, in addition to it's use as an object name, as it is on line 36.
We will use the common term variable for symbols defined by both val and var even though those defined by val cannot change.
Before we get started here it might be a good idea to take a quick peek at A simple class example
16 class ReadCmd extends Bundle {
17 val addr = UInt(Router.addressWidth.W)
18 }
At last we have some actual Chisel (as opposed to Scala). Here, we define a Scala class ReadCmd Let's break it down.
class ReadCmd
begins the definition of ReadCmd. -
extends Bundle
says this class is a subclass of Bundle or that ReadCmd inherits the properties of Bundle.- Bundle is defined in the Chisel library and is used to create a collection of hardware elements.
- One of the primary uses of bundles is to define IO ports.
- The braces following Bundle contain the software components of the class. In this case only one line
val addr = UInt(Router.addressWidth.W)
a member variable addr is created - addr is a reference to a UInt, this where some magic begins.
- A UInt is a hardware type representing an unsigned integer.
- UInt takes a width parameter. For historical and practical reasons this parameter is not an integer but must be a Width.
- The notation
takes an integer value Router.addressWidth, and uses the .W as a shorthand conversion of the Int type to a Chisel Width type.
20 class WriteCmd extends ReadCmd {
21 val data = UInt(Router.addressWidth.W)
22 }
24 class Packet extends Bundle {
25 val header = UInt(Router.headerWidth.W)
26 val body = UInt(Router.dataWidth.W)
27 }
These follow straightforwardly from the ReadCmd above. Note: The WriteCmd Bundle extends the ReadCmd Bundle which means it inherits the properties of Bundle and ReadCmd. The WriteCmd ends up with two data fields, data and addr. Packet has two Chisel elements.
30 * The router circuit IO
31 * It routes a packet placed on it's input to one of n output ports
32 *
33 * @param n is number of fanned outputs for the routed packet
34 */
35 class RouterIO(n: Int) extends Bundle {
36 val read_routing_table_request = DeqIO(new ReadCmd())
37 val read_routing_table_response = EnqIO(UInt(Router.addressWidth.W))
38 val load_routing_table_request = DeqIO(new WriteCmd())
39 val in = DeqIO(new Packet())
40 val outs = Vec(n, EnqIO(new Packet()))
41 }
Ok, things are getting a bit more interesting. First of all we saw a comment, it's about time, but we are trying to keep things succinct here. The RouterIO is a definition of the IO ports of our Router Module. Here we go
class RouterIO(n: Int) extends Bundle {
This class has a parameter n, that according to the comments is the number of fanned outputs. Perhaps in a more perfect world, one with perfect automatic variable name completion, n would have been named numberOfFannedOutputs. n will be used in the Bundle to create the desired outputs -
val read_routing_table_request = DeqIO(new ReadCmd())
there are a number of things going on here.- We are now using the ReadCmd discussed earlier, we are creating an instance of it using the Scala new keyword
- More interestingly we have wrapped the
new ReadCmd()
in a DeqIO.- The DeqIO adds Ready/Valid flow control or decoupled behavior
- The flow control will be used to by the Router module to dequeue read requests from the outside world.
DeqIO adds to read_routing_table_request:
valid as Bool input port, ready as Bool output port
- Bool is a basic Chisel type that can only take on literal values true.B or false.B values
- true.B being shorthand for Bool(true) and false.B shorthand for Bool(false)
- a deq() method that will return the incoming ReadCmd
- a nodeq() method that will assert false on ready
valid as Bool input port, ready as Bool output port
val read_routing_table_response = EnqIO(UInt(Router.addressWidth.W))
here we see EnqIO that like DeqIO- Adds ready and valid to a UInt port, but with the directionality reversed.
- an enq() method that places a UInt on the port
- a noenq() method that false on valid
val load_routing_table_request = DeqIO(new WriteCmd())
provides the ports for decoupled load_routing_table ports -
val in = DeqIO(new Packet())
defines a decoupled port for reading packets to be routed. -
val outs = Vec(n, EnqIO(new Packet()))
defines the outputs that incoming packets will be routed to.-
Vec is a Chisel aggregate that allows for a collection of identically typed elements.
- we use the n parameter of RouterIO to create the proper number of output ports.
- each element of is a enqueue decoupled port with a packet, ready and valid ports.
Vec is a Chisel aggregate that allows for a collection of identically typed elements.