Modified from:
Smart contracts are written in Solidity and managed via Hardhat.
yarn install
- Install packages
npx hardhat compile
- Compile contracts
npx hardhat test
- Run the test suite
npx hardhat node
- Run a local testing node
npx hardhat deploy --network localhost
- Deploy to local testing node
npx hardhat --network mainnet sourcify
- Sourcify the Ubiq Mainnet deployment
npx hardhat export-abi
- Manually export ABI
- InitialMigration: 0x5b957E61FF15863c29B69da1c1172baBB044c728
- ZeroEx: 0x19aaD856cE8c4C7e813233b21d56dA97796cC052
- Sourcify verification: 0x19aaD856cE8c4C7e813233b21d56dA97796cC052
- OwnableFeature: 0x3956FB6BDFcb81c12b3B965DEC05B4012f4Be6DD
- SimpleFunctionRegistryFeature: 0xC1Ab827a823d17D9db77fdF4D61809F0391B9050
- ERC165Feature: 0x71d56d94261086bFfa3D5f97c2043cD7E1a87afb
- ERC721OrdersFeature: 0x7AE76139C07099FD77F5100af73871ec367Ca808
- ERC1155OrdersFeature: 0x5e850FC7104d1843957627c5028020faB1fd09dD
- OtcOrdersFeature: 0x27548434B9b5dF3EF60fb1ec289CaABBA6B4fe2A