🍣 Use https://docs.allauth.org/en/latest/socialaccount/providers/orcid.html instead.
A Django App handling ORCID.org OAuth Authentication. Extends the Django User model and overrides frontent login.
Copy the folder 'django_orcid' to your project directory and add the following to your INSTALLED APPS
You also need to add the authentication backend to the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
like so:
Lastly you need to run manage.py makemigrations
to generate all necessary migrations depending on your database.
All necessary configuration is handled in settings.py
. After optaining an ORCID.org API key and secret, and after registering your redirect URI with ORCID, you can enter them here.
# Authorization Url with ORCID
ORCID_AUTHORIZATION_URL = "https://sandbox.orcid.org/oauth/authorize"
# The requested scope
REQUESTED_SCOPE = "/read-limited" # If multiple scopes are desired, separate them with whitespaces
## Your Apps Client ID with ORCID
ORCID_CLIENT_ID = "" # Your Client ID from ORCID.org members API
## Your Apps secret wird ORCID
ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET = "" # Client Secret provided by ORCID.org members API
## Your Authentication langing page, as registered with ORCID
REDIRECT_URI = "<your base url>/accounts/auth" # redirect URI as registered with ORCID.org
## URL of ORCID-API to be used
ORCID_URL = "https://api.sandbox.orcid.org/v3.0/" # members API to be used
## URL for ORCID OAuth authentication
ORCID_OAUTH_URL = 'https://sandbox.orcid.org/oauth/token' # OAuth Authentication URL to be used
FROM_EMAIL = '' # The email adress from where your users shall receive notifications
IP_ADDRESS_HEADER = 'X-Forward-For' # The header where a user's IP Adress is stored. Default config for NGINX reverse proxy
As default ORCID's sandbox API is configured in. In Addition to your ORCID credentials you need an email adress, from which your users will be notified about a login from a new location. To achieve this, django-orcid does need to know from wich IP-Adress the login-attempt originated from. Since it's possible to use django-orcid in an app behind a reverse proxy, you may need to change the header where the client's IP-Address is stored.
You can request multiple scopes in REQUESTED_SCOPE
by simply seperating them with white-spaces.
Django-Orcid ships will all necessary templates. Though it expects to find a base.html
template to extend and it also expects Bootstrap 5 and its Javascript to be present in STATICROOTjs/bootstrap.bundle.min.js
. Please include Bootstrap 5 into static/account.scss
to render the templates properly.
Django-Orcid uses SCSS, so please have your Django configured to use Django-Compressor.
Django-Orcid is pretty self contained, but does need some dependencies nonetheless.
- Django-Compressor To facilitate SCSS rendering. This can easily be changed by reverting to regular css
- Django-Cryptography To protect userdata, such as access tokens, refresh tokens and personal data.
- Python Requests To facilitate communication with ORCID's servers
- Python 3.9
- Wagtail 2.14
- Django 3.2