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This repository contains all the files needed to run

To run make sure you have npm and go installed locally and run:

cd ./template
npm install
npm build
cd ..
go run ./cmd/server/main.go serve


Docker is provided to make local development easier. Use the following command after ensuring that Docker is installed:

docker compose up

The application will then be available at

The build parameter should be used to rebuild the containers if you are making changes in the Go code.

docker compose up --build


You will need to run npm install and npm run build to generate the frontend files, you can do this with docker if needed using the following command.

docker compose run --remove-orphans npm

Environmental Variables

Auto Migrate

Auto Migrate can be used to automatically generate database migration files when changes to the data structures are made.


Create Admin

If Create Admin is set to true an admin is generated. This is convenient for local development.


The default credentials are [email protected] and jfq.utb*jda2abg!WCR. Do not use these credentials in a live environment.

Dummy data

You can set the following to true to generate dummy data. Please note that it will only work when running the migrations for the first time. Delete the pb_data to reset. WARNING this deletes all data.