A redis sharding api. Sharding is done based on the CRC32 checksum of a key or key tag ("key{key_tag}"), according to this article http://antirez.com/post/redis-presharding.html .
The source code is locate at github .
Creating a hash ring with multiple servers,By default the hash ring uses a crc32
hashing algorithm on the server's name
config.You can define the name anything
as you like,but it must be unique.
I don't want to bind the hashring with ipaddress,because if I do some master/slave switches,
I can only change the ipaddress related config. The name
is kept,so the hashring's order
is kept.
>>> from redis_shard.shard import RedisShardAPI
>>> servers = [
... {'name':'server1','host':'','port':10000,'db':0},
... {'name':'server2','host':'','port':11000,'db':0},
... {'name':'server3','host':'','port':12000,'db':0},
... {'name':'','host':'','port':13000,'db':0},
... ]
>>> client = RedisShardAPI(servers)
>>> client.set('test',1)
>>> print client.get('test')
>>> client.zadd('testset','first',1)
>>> client.zadd('testset','second',2)
>>> print client.zrange('testset',0,-1)
see article http://antirez.com/post/redis-presharding.html for detail.
>>> client.set('foo',2)
>>> client.set('a{foo}',5)
>>> client.set('b{foo}',5)
>>> client.set('{foo}d',5)
>>> client.set('d{foo}e',5)
>>> print client.get_server_name('foo') == client.get_server_name('a{foo}') == client.get_server_name('{foo}d') \
... == client.get_server_name('d{foo}e')
I also added an tag_keys method,which is more quickly than default keys method,because it only look one machine.
>>> client.tag_keys('*{foo}*') == client.keys('*{foo}*')