This package consists of tools for the transverse coherence minimization (TCM) seismo-acoustic analysis method. TCM can be used to estimate the back-azimuth of infrasound signals that are recorded on an infrasound sensor and a colocated three-component seismometer. When using this code we ask you to cite the following paper, which also provides details on the method and some examples:
Bishop, J. W., Haney, M. M., Fee, D., Matoza, R. S., Mckee, K. F., & Lyons, J. J. (2023). Back-Azimuth Estimation of Air-to-Ground Coupled Infrasound from Transverse Coherence Minimization, 249–258.
Here are install instructions for an example conda environment.
We recommend using conda and creating a new conda environment such as
conda create -n tcm_env python=3 obspy numba
or from the provided .yml
file as
conda env create -f environment.yml
Information on conda environments (and more) is available here.
After setting up the conda environment, install the package by running the terminal commands:
conda activate tcm_env
git clone
cd tcm
pip install -e .
The final command installs the package in "editable" mode, which means that you
can update it with a simple git pull
in your local repository. This install
command only needs to be run once.
For example:
Python packages:
See the included
Import the package like any other python package, ensuring the correct environment is active. For example,
$ conda activate tcm_env
$ python
>>> import tcm
See the attached documentation for more information.
(Alphabetical order by last name.)
Jordan W. Bishop
David Fee
Matthew M. Haney
This work was supported by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency Nuclear Arms Control Technology program under contract HQ003421F0112. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.