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  1. Clone this project from GitHub
  2. Install this project
  3. Run the tests locally
  4. Run dockerized tests

1. Clone this project from GitHub

Into your own local repository with Git initialized, clone the oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests by running this command:

    git clone [email protected]:ua1wcz/oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests.git

2. Install this project

In a terminal, into the ./oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests/ directory, run the shell script ./ to get installed CodeceptJS with Playwright and Allure Report as the minimum requirements for tests on BDD approach (with Gherkin already added in the codecept.conf.js):

  • For MacOS and Linux:
  • For Windows 10:

After the successful installation of all dependencies, a single scenario will be automatically started in your machine to check if everything is working as expected.

3. Run the tests locally

First, decide a way that you are going to run the tests. If you need to set another specific browser, you also have the options such as Cromium chromium, Firefox firefox or Webkit webkit. By default, the browser is firefox using Playwright, but you can set those values in the codecept.conf.js with headless mode or showing the browser if you want.

For now, you could ignore these changes:

    helpers: {
        Playwright: {
            url: 'http://localhost',
            show: false, // Change it to "true" if you don't want a Headless mode
            browser: 'chromium',
            waitForNavigation: "networkidle0"

Then, ensure that you are into the ./oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests/ directory and run ALL THE TESTS through the run_tests_locally script:

  • For MacOS and Linux:
  • For Windows 10:

Now you have all the tests running locally. Optionally, you can customise your execution as showed in the next sections: 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. But if you are facing issues in execute this project in your machine, you have an alternative using Docker. So, please, go directly to section 4 and get all the instructions for it.

3.1. (OPTIONAL) Do you want to execute using a specific feature / scenario tag?

You can also run just one feature / scenario. So, copy an existing TAG from Gherkin scenarios and paste into the command as first argument, with or without @, as showed below:


    # example:
    #   sh @duplicates
    #   sh duplicates
  • To make this easier, get one of these tags available:
        FEATURE 1: 

        FEATURE 2:

        FEATURE 3:

        FEATURE 4:

        FEATURE 5:

After finishing the execution, if you want to check the results, an Allure Report will be automatically generated and opened in a web browser.

3.2. (OPTIONAL) Do you want to execute using an interactive GUI with Codecept UI?

Just call the script passing the argument ccui. The benefit is that you can find scenarios, play, see the runtime event logs and stop them in a visual way throught the web browser:

    sh ccui

3.3. (OPTIONAL) Do you want to execute tests in multiple browsers?

Inform the argument multi. You are able to run in at least 3 different browsers supported with Playwright: Chromium, Firefox and PW-Webkit. You may have flaky tests in this case (stable browsers on execution is not guaranteed depending on the OS):

    sh multi
    sh <PASTE_THE_TAG_HERE> multi

4. Run dockerized tests

4.1 Install Docker and prepare for testcases

Regarding the environment or OS that you have, probably you might face flaky tests or even have other unexpected errors during the execution for this project. So, as alternative, you can install Docker and Docker Compose to ensure an adequate environment for the tests. (For the first time, to build a Docker image and container, probably it may take a long time!)

Installation steps:

  1. Download and Install Docker.
  2. For x64: Install wsl_update_x64.msi. This update will be offered when trying to start the docker on an x64 system.
  3. docker pull codeceptjs/codeceptjs
  4. docker build -t codeceptjs/codeceptjs. Download and build container for codeceptjs testing.

Having that requirement met, then follow the instructions below to build an image and run automatically the tests considering also strategies to pass TAGS (with or without @, like those shown previously under Section 3) and / or CROSSBROWSER=multi, if you want:

  • RECOMMENDED command:
    cd ./oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests/
    docker-compose run oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests
  • Other execution ways:
    # docker-compose run -e CROSSBROWSER=multi --rm oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests
    # docker-compose run -e TAG=<PASTE_THE_TAG_HERE> --rm oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests
    # docker-compose run -e TAG=<PASTE_THE_TAG_HERE> -e CROSSBROWSER=multi --rm oranum_codeceptjs_bdd_tests


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