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Part of "Variscite" project. Here is also Dart library and client app
API based on HTTP/HTTPS web protocol, layer between database and client apps. General functions of API at this moment:
- user authentication, groups
- adding and managment of geospatial data (points, lines, polygins)
- work with geolocation
This server app was developed using TypeScript, NodeJS and with Fastify as web-server. API documentation generation and request validations produced using OpenAPI specification (this specification is placed at specs/api-v0.yml). Highly recommended to work with this server app using docker-compose. MongoDB is used as main database.
This instructions is common for both developers and admins
It's necessary to set enviroment variables into .env file. Good example of such configuration is written in .env.example file.
If you don't have MongoDB yet, you can use this official installation and configuration guides:
Also you can use MongoDB Atlas
For using further instructions you should have Docker Compose. Official installation guide
For running app in development mode it is enough to build container:
docker-compose build
and run it:
docker-compose up
When changing files, the program in the container will automatically restart thanks to Nodemon.
If it is required to run app in production eviroment on server, you can build container using this command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml build
and run it:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
In this case app will work in the background. You can check it' work using this command:
# I have to say that port can be different if you are using different value in .env file
curl http://localhost:80/status
You should recieve responce like this: