This web application shows the power of Rails and EmberJS to provide a powerful client side experience. The front end is done completely in ember, including url routing. Rails handles the asset compilation and serving up data to the ember app via a json api. Advanced BDD and TDD test tools such as (future) Cucumber and (presently) Jasmine are used to drive out the functionality.
Yourjargon provides the ability to create a private dictionary for an organization to store their own "jargon" into. Check out our applications seed data for some great examples pulled from a stackoverflow thread on programming jargon:
In addition, it shows off the features of EmberJS for a small application that developers learning EmberJS can easily digest:
- Bindings
- Observers
- Computed Properties
- Dynamic filtering & sorting in an ember array controller
- Use of Ember-Data's RESTAdapter
- Rails 3.2 application w/ active-model-serializer gem in coordination w/ ember-data
- Jasmine test suite
- Use of Twitter Bootstrap
See the wiki to get your machine setup:
- Ruby 1.9.x
- Phantomjs (for running tests)
- git clone [email protected]:OC-Emberjs/yourjargon.git
- cd yourjargon
- bundle install
- rake db:migrate
rails s
Go to your browser at localhost:3000: Browse
In your project home directory:
bundle exec guard
Observe the test report. NOTE: this is set up so that every time you save a javascript file, all the client tests are run again.
go to url: localhost:3000/jasmine
This will show a Jasmine dashboard in which you can run tests and see results.
We'd love contributions. Submit a pull request by following the instructions below!
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
5. Create new Pull Request