Yet another maze generator in rust. My main goal is to relearn Rust for a more serious project, to that end I'm going to implement a few different algorithms for creating a maze and for solving one.

A simple algorithm, which works by adding an adjacent unvisited cell to a stack, then removing the wall between the current cell and the new cell, adding the new cell to the stack, and marking it as visited. It the pops the top cell from the stack and repeats, ending when the stack is empty. The deepest part of the maze reached is chosen as the end, it is the cell marked in red. This is also known as Recursive Backtracking, but I substituted recursion for an explicit stack.

This algorithm works by initializing every cell in a unique (mathmatical) set, then on every iteration it picks a random wall in the maze and if the cells on either side of it are in different set, it merges the sets and removes the wall. Essentially this algorithm removes walls with a random sampling until each cell is connected to any other cell by some path.

Uses a queue data structure, initially containing the starting cell. On every iteration it pops an element off of the end of the queue and adds all its explorable but unvisited neighbors to the start of the queue. It also maintains a record of the previously explored "parent" cell for each cell so that when the target cell is encountered, we can backtrack through these parents to form the solution.