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10 TypeDB Loader as Executable CLI

Joshua Send edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

Download a released .zip/.tar file. After unpacking, you can run it directly out of the /bin directory:

./bin/typedb-loader load \
        -tdb localhost:1729, \
        -c /path/to/your/config.json \
        -db databaseName \

TypeDB Loader help:

./bin/typedb-loader load --help
Usage: typedb-loader load [-hV] [-cm] [-ls] [-mi] -c=<dataConfigFilePath>
                          -db=<databaseName> [-tdb=<typedbURI>]
load data and/or schema
  -c, --config=<dataConfigFilePath>
                          config file in JSON format
      -cm, --cleanMigration
                          optional - delete old schema and data and restart
                            migration from scratch - default: continue previous
                            migration, if exists
      -db, --database=<databaseName>
                          target database in your TypeDB instance
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
      -ls, --loadSchema   optional - reload schema when continuing a migration
                            (ignored when clean migration)
      -mi, --allowMultiInsert
                          Don't reject match-inserts to match multiple answers.
      -tdb, --typedb=<typedbURI>
                          optional - TypeDB server in format: server:port
                            (default: localhost:1729)
  -V, --version           Print version information and exit.