Initial Arduino Library Manager Release
CheapStepper v0.2 supports:
- 28BYJ-48 stepper motor/ULN2003 board + Arduino (any chip) + independent 5V power source
- use any 4 GPIO pins
- 8-phase half-stepping for 4096 mini-steps per shaft rotation
- total mini-steps customizable, e.g. to 4076 (for measured 63.68395:1 internal motor gear ratio)
- adjustable RPM with safety limit checks
- non-blocking moves (e.g. newMove(...) along with run() to perform moves across loop() iterations)
- blocking moves (move(...) pauses loop() while moving)
- direct mini-step control (step(...))
- API to poll stepper move status (e.g getStep(), getRpm(), getStepsLeft(), getDelay()...)
- 5V power source
3 annotated example sketches to illustrate non-blocking moves, blocking moves, and direct step control.
current roadmap
- acceleration/de-acceleration
- support for >5v power supply