- --log make log better
- --tag name this brook process into log
- --dialWithIP4 Select the outgoing network card
- --dialWithIP6
- --dialWithSocks5
- brook tproxy:
- better and better on dual-stack network
- --disableA
- --disableAAAA
- --bypassGeoIP
- --redirectDNS
- bugfix
- cookbook: Turn any Linux into a router with two Brook commands
- cookbook: 使用 Brook 两条命令把任意 Linux 变成路由器
- brook quicserver
- brook quicclient
- brook dhcpserver
- cookbook: Turn any Linux into a router with two Brook commands
- cookbook: 使用 Brook 两条命令把任意 Linux 变成路由器
- OpenWRT:
- better and better on dual-stack network
- Rewrite UI, similar to other GUI clients
- bugfix
- cookbook: Brook OpenWRT Router
- cookbook: Brook OpenWRT 路由器
- iOS / M1 Mac
- Dark Mode
- Shortcut
- Android
- Dark Mode
- Shortcut
- Linux
- Dark Mode
- Shortcut
- Intel Mac
- Dark Mode
- Shortcut
- Windows
- Dark Mode
- Shortcut
- System Tray
- Bug: v20230401. wsserver and wssserver. Connectivity Check. 连通性检测. HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
- Bug: v20230401. Cannot Import Servers. 无法导入服务器列表