This is an initialized openwrt build environment, for the Wireless Battle of the Mesh.
It's a clone of git:// at some point in time; from that point it adds a few commits to include an appropiate feeds.conf and env configs.
The included feeds.conf points the 'packages' feed to git:// , which is a snapshot (at a particular point in time) of the original git://
So what you get is a particular openwrt trunk revision, of both the base source code and the packages feed.
git clone -b wbm2013 git://
cd openwrt
If you want to bring this snapshot to the current upstream release/revision, you must fetch the upstream changesets, merge them, (and probably push them back to github); do this for both the base and packages repositories.
git clone -b wbm2013 [email protected]:battlemesh/openwrt.git ~/openwrt-wbm
cd ~/openwrt-wbm
git pull git://
git clone -b wbm2013 [email protected]:battlemesh/openwrt-packages.git ~/openwrt-wbm-packages
cd ~/openwrt-wbm-packages
git pull git://