node-canvas engine for spritesmith.
By default, binaries for macOS, Linux and Windows will be downloaded. But if you don't have a supported OS or processor architecture the module will be compiled on your system. This requires several dependencies from node-canvas, you must install Cairo and Pango.
Instructions on how to do this are provided in the node-canvas wiki.
Additionally, you will need to install node-gyp.
npm install -g node-gyp
Install the module with: npm install canvassmith
// Load in our dependencies
var Canvassmith = require('canvassmith');
// Create a new engine
var canvassmith = new Canvassmith();
// Interpret some images from disk
canvassmith.createImages(['img1.jpg', 'img2.png'], function handleImages (err, imgs) {
// If there was an error, throw it
if (err) {
throw err;
// We recieve images in the same order they were given
imgs[0].width; // 50 (pixels)
imgs[0].height; // 100 (pixels)
// Create a canvas that fits our images (200px wide, 300px tall)
var canvas = canvassmith.createCanvas(200, 300);
// Add the images to our canvas (at x=0, y=0 and x=50, y=100 respectively)
canvas.addImage(imgs[0], 0, 0);
canvas.addImage(imgs[1], 50, 100);
// Export canvas to image
var resultStream = canvas['export']({format: 'png'});
resultStream; // Readable stream outputting PNG image of the canvas
This module was built to the specification for spritesmith engines.
Specification version: 2.0.0
Our createImages
methods supports the following types of images:
- image
- Filepath to image - image
- Vinyl object with buffer for image (uses buffer) - image
- Vinyl object with stream for image (uses stream) - image
- Vinyl object withnull
for image (reads buffer from provided filepath)
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint using npm run lint
and test via npm test
Support this project and others by twolfson via donations.
Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson
Licensed under the MIT license.