GearList is a JavaScript-based application designed to help you better prepare for outdoor adventures and not forget those important (sometimes life-saving) items at home.
Technology stack (MEVN):
- (M)ongoDB for the database (and Mongoose.js to help).
- (E)xpress.js framework for speedy backend functionality.
- (V)ue.js for the front-end framework and client-side routing.
- (N)ode.js to power back-end.
Vue Router is used to handle SPA routing, and Axios is used for AJAX requests to the backend. Muse-UI is used for the CSS framwork, using's design principles.
This project generated using Vue CLI.
- User
- Gear List
- Gear Item
- Gear Item Completion Data
You can view GearList live here:
5. Dashboard - View All Lists & Items
npm install
from project root directory to get front-end packages. -
npm install
to get server-side packages. -
baseURL to reflect your localhost or local network IP. -
(1) Make sure
is running. (2) from~/
runnpm run serve
and (3) from~/server
runnpm start
If you're having trouble running mongod do this:
- Download the Community Edition of MongoDB from here: Community edition download page. NOTE: Do not use Enterprise as license isn't for personal prod deployments.
cd ~/Downloads
tar -zxvf {{tar-name}}
cd /usr/local/mongodb
- Make data folder (this is where all your local system dev db stuff will be stored), no longer an use
in Catalina and above. Instead do:sudo mkdir -p /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
&&sudo chown -R `id -un` /System/Volumes/Data/data/dbsudo chown -R `id -un` /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
- Make data folder (this is where all your local system dev db stuff will be stored), no longer an use
- Then added to
cd ~
&&open .bash_profile
:alias mongod="sudo mongod --dbpath /System/Volumes/Data/data/db"
- Then added to
- Also add to bash profile
export MONGO_PATH=/usr/local/mongodb export PATH=$PATH:$MONGO_PATH/bin
- Check mongo version:
mongo --version
- Check mongo version:
- Run mongo as background process:
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --fork
(or runsudo mongod --dbpath /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
manually). NOTE: If you run as a process you can laterkill {{ID}}
after listing them via:launchctl list | grep mongo
- Run mongo as background process:
Once server & mongo is running, and VueJS dev sever is running. Load app in next step.
Load localhost:8080 to see the application running locally.
- β User Login and Registration (Password Hashing/Decryption)
- β Gear Items
- β Gear Lists
- β View all of your Gear Items.
- β View all of your Gear Lists.
- β Quick Attach or Detach (+/-) a Gear Item to many of your Gear Lists.
- β
Quick Attach or Detach (+/-) many Gear Items from a single Gear List.
- If this sounds confusing, give it a try and you'll see why it's handy :)
- β Edit your Gear Item
- β Edit your Gear List
- β View your Gear List and All Items and Item Completions (packed)
- β View your Gear List's "Packed" weight vs "Total" weight
- β Remove or attach items from Dashboard or Gear List view.
- β Toggle Gear Items as Packed / Unpacked
- β Delete a Gear Item including all List association and completion data.
- β Delete a Gear List including Item association data and ompletion data.
- β User Confirmation when deleting a Gear Item (no accidental deletions)
- β User Confirmation when deleting a Gear List (no accidental deletions)
- β About Page with Contact form for Feature Requests/Bug Reports/Etc
NOTE: All data is hard deleted, no soft deletions, no saving of data. It's gone when user says so.
- β "Load More" button Dashboard beneath Lists and Items push more into user's view.
- β Front & Backend strong validation on all forms.
- β API locked down (must valid session to hit any any API endpoint)
- β TOS modal on registration?
- [HIGH] Add logging on basic CRUD actions (how many items being created, how many lists, how many completions and how many incomplete items) -- may need to update TOS.
- [HIGH] Replace other success dialog and failure dialogs with new components (DialogSuccess and DialogFailure)
- Add a "Congratulations message" when all items are completed and visually change a bit to look more "done"
- Add quick reset button to easily reset a list -- maybe add a confirmation modal as a "blocker" to confirm and prevent accidental reset
- Add confirmation when removing item from a list (user may accidentally remove an item and not know what it was -- either having a history (bigger eng task) or a confirmation (smaller) may be helpful to prevent accidentally removing items.
- Clicking Gear Item on dashboard displays dialog showing all Lists to which it is associated -- and a "delete" or "X" button to remove item from said list
- "Reset All Items" button list view that will reset completion data for all items on that list and then refresh the list to show all unchecked items
- Public Share Link
- Sharing of Gear Lists (Add a Friend)
NOTE: If we add a friends feature, it's important that Friends cannot delete one another's gear items or gear lists if being shared. A friend should be able to delete a gear item, or delete a shared list from their view. But this should not delete the owner's (creator's) list or gear item.
- Password Reset
- User Profile & Edit Profile
- Unit conversion options for Gear Item and Gear List Weight (currently Oz but could support g/Kg)
- Mark List Complete, when All Items are Completed for that List
- Import REI items (do they have an open API? Get item name & weight)
Things to add to TOS: "You agree to explicitly inform visitors to your site that you have implemented reCAPTCHA v3 on your site and that their use of reCAPTCHA v3 is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use."