Use Govalid to validate structs.
For full documentation see
Document use of dive
. Rules are now ordered.
- pointers: dereference and check remaining rules
- slices / arrays: check each item with remaining rules
- structs: validates the struct according to its own field tags (remaining rules have no meaning)
package main
import (
type Post struct {
// ID has no constraints
ID int
// Title is required, must be at least 3 characters long, and
// cannot be more than 20 characters long
Title string `valid:"req|min:3|max:20"`
// Body is not required, cannot be more than 10000 charachers,
// and must be "fun" (a custom rule defined below).
Body string `valid:"max:10000|fun"`
func main() {
// Add custom string rule "fun" that can be used on any string field
// in any struct.
govalid.Rule("fun", func(v any) error {
switch tv := v.(type) {
case string:
if float64(strings.Count(tv, "!"))/float64(utf8.RuneCountInString(tv)) > 0.001 {
return nil
return errors.New("must contain more exclamation marks")
return errors.New("fun constraint must be applied to string only")
ID: 5,
Title: "Hi",
Body: "Hello world!",
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