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Releases: tweag/topiary

v0.6.0 - Gilded Ginkgo - 2025-01-30

03 Feb 18:50
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Release Notes

Full list of changes


  • #747 Added support for specifying paths to prebuilt grammars in Topiary's configuration
  • #785 Added the coverage command, that checks how much of the query file is used by the input
  • #786 Re-introduce tests to check that all of the language queries are useful
  • #832 Added typos-cli configuration to workspace Cargo.toml for spellchecking, thanks to @mkatychev
  • #838 Added @upper_case and @lower_case captures, thanks to @ctdunc
  • #845 Added support for OpenSCAD, thanks to @mkatychev
  • #851 Added support for following symlinks when specifying input files for formatting


  • #780 Measuring scopes are now independent from captures order
  • #790 No longer merge config files by default, use priority instead
  • #794 Bump the tree-sitter dependency to 0.24, thanks to @ZedThree
  • #801 Improved documentation of the visualise subcommand
  • #811 The config subcommand now outputs a Nickel file instead of some inner representation
  • #830 Use tree-sitter-loader to build grammars, rather than rolling our own


  • #779 Load relevant grammars before CLI tests
  • #799 Line break after table-less pairs in TOML
  • #813 In-place writing on Windows (also introduced a minimal Windows CI)
  • #822 Various Bash fixes and improvements
  • #826 Various Tree-sitter query fixes, thanks to @mkatychev
  • #853 Small fixes to CLI logging and IO

topiary-cli 0.6.0

Install topiary-cli 0.6.0

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curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Download topiary-cli 0.6.0

File Platform Checksum
topiary-cli-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
topiary-cli-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
topiary-cli-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz ARM64 Linux checksum
topiary-cli-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum

v0.5.1 - Fragrant Frangipani - 2024-10-22

24 Oct 12:58
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Release Notes

Full list of changes


  • #705 Added support for Nickel 1.7 extended pattern formatting
  • #737 Added the prefetch command, that prefetches and caches all grammars in the current configuration
  • #755 Introduce measuring scopes, which can be used in conjunction with regular scopes to add expressivity to the formatting queries.
  • #760 Introduce optional query_name predicate, to help with query logging and debugging.


  • #720 #722 #723 #724 #735 #738 #739 #745 #755 #759 #764 Various OCaml improvements
  • #762 Various Rust improvements
  • #744 #768 Nickel: fix the formatting of annotated multiline let-bindings
  • #763 Various Bash fixes and improvements
  • #761 No longer use error code 1 for unspecified errors
  • #770 Fallback to compile-time included query files when formatting a file


  • #704 Refactors our postprocessing code to be more versatile.
  • #711 Feature gate all grammars, with supported and contributed languages built by default.
  • #716 Dynamicly fetch, compile, and load language grammars. Topiary now no longer ships with statically linked grammars.
  • #732 Change how function application and parenthesized expressions are treated in Nickel to reduce the overall noise and indentation
  • #736 Updates our Nickel grammar, and adds support for let blocks.
  • #769 Move the web playground to a separate branch
  • #773 Change the status of Bash from "experimental" to "supported"

topiary-cli 0.5.1

Install topiary-cli 0.5.1

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Download topiary-cli 0.5.1

File Platform Checksum
topiary-cli-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
topiary-cli-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
topiary-cli-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum

client-app 0.5.1

Install client-app 0.5.1

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Download client-app 0.5.1

File Platform Checksum
client-app-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
client-app-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
client-app-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum

v0.4.0 - Exquisite Elm - 2024-05-15

17 May 15:21
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Release Notes

Full list of changes


  • #589 Added syntax highlighting to the playground (excluding Nickel)
  • #686 Added support for Nickel pattern formatting
  • #697 Setting the log level to INFO now outputs the pattern locations in a (row, column) way.
  • #699 Added support for CSS, thanks to @lavigneer


  • #626 #627 #628 #626 Various OCaml improvements
  • #673 Various TOML fixes
  • #678 Ensures the client example project builds, and is tested in CI
  • #677 Ensures our playground builds consistently in CI
  • #682 Removes prepended linebreaks from equal signs in Nickel annotations
  • #692 Improves our installation instructions, thanks to @Jasha10


  • #664 Ensures source positions in the logs are consistent thanks to @evertedsphere
  • #668 Updates our Nickel grammar
  • #672 Completely refactors our crate layout, preparing for a release on

topiary-cli 0.4.0

Install topiary-cli 0.4.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Download topiary-cli 0.4.0

File Platform Checksum
topiary-cli-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Apple Silicon macOS checksum
topiary-cli-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz Intel macOS checksum x64 Windows checksum
topiary-cli-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz x64 Linux checksum

v0.3.0 - Dreamy Dracaena - 2023-09-22

02 Oct 14:06
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Release Notes

Full list of changes


  • #538 Using cargo-dist to release Topiary binaries.
  • #528 #609 Created a topiary-queries crate that exports the builtin query files.
  • #526 Multi-line comments can be indented properly using the new predicate @multi_line_indent_all.
  • #533 Topiary can now process multiple files with one call.
  • #553 In Nickel, indent when a new infix_expr chain starts.
  • #557 Topiary now falls back to the buildin queries when no other query files could be located.
  • #573 Added OCamllex support (without injections).
  • #576 Added append/prepend versions of scope captures.


  • #535 Improved error message when idempotency fails due to invalid output in the first pass.
  • #576 Allows prepending/appending @begin_scope and @end_scope
  • #583 Modernisation of the command line interface (see the CLI Migration Guide, for details)
  • #535 Change the error message for an idempotency error to be more descriptive.
  • #536 #537 #578 #626 #627 #628 Various OCaml improvements.
  • #623 #624 #625 Various Toml improvements thanks @pjjw.


  • #533 Bump tree-sitter-ocaml version, which allowed reintroduction of some removed queries.
  • #550 Fixed handling of antispace in post-processing.
  • #552 Fixed Nickel tag removal.
  • #554 #555 Fixed Nickel idempotency issue related to annotations.
  • #565 Fixed an issue where Topiary would remove whitespace between predicate parameters in query files.

Install topiary-cli 0.3.0

Install prebuilt binaries via shell script

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh

Install prebuilt binaries via powershell script

irm | iex

Download topiary-cli 0.3.0

target kind download
aarch64-apple-darwin tarball topiary-cli-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
x86_64-apple-darwin tarball topiary-cli-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
x86_64-pc-windows-msvc tarball
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu tarball topiary-cli-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz

v0.2.3 - Cyclic Cypress - 2023-06-20

20 Jun 14:31
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Full list of changes


  • #513 Added the -t, --tolerate-parsing-errors flags to Topiary, tolerate_parsing_errors to the Format
    operation of the library, and a "Tolerate parsing errors" checkmark to the
    playground. These options make Topiary ignore errors in the parsed file, and
    attempt to format it.
  • #506 Allows the users to
    configure Topiary through a user-defined configuration file. More information
    can be found in the


  • #523 Skips rebuilding the tree-
    sitter Query when performing the idempotence check. This improves performance
    when not skipping the idempotence check by about 35% for OCaml formatting.


  • #508 Simplified language
    detection by treating ocaml and ocaml_interface as two distinct languages.
    This ensures we only have one grammar per language. This
    removed the -l ocaml_implementation flag from Topiary and the
    SupportedLanguage::OcamlImplementation from the library.


  • #522 Reverted the bump to the
    OCaml grammar and queries. This bump (for as of yet unknown reasons) had a
    catastrophic impact on Topiary's performance.

v0.2.2 - Cyclic Cypress - 2023-06-12

12 Jun 13:45
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Full list of changes


  • #498 Updated the playground to include a nicer editor.
  • #487 Added a flag to format function that allows skipping the idempotency check.
  • #486 Added the processing time to the online playground.
  • #484 Enabled the playground to perform on-the-fly formatting.
  • #480 Shows which languages are marked as experimental in the playground.


  • #490 Bumped the Nickel grammar.
  • #494 Bumped the OCaml grammar, and fixed for the renamed infix_operator named node.


  • #493 Fixed #492 by only trimming newlines in prettyprinting.
  • #491 Fixed #481, a SIGSEGV in exhaustivity testing.

v0.2.1 - Cyclic Cypress - 2023-05-23

23 May 10:02
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Full list of changes


  • Correctly bumped version number in Cargo.toml.

v0.2.0 - Cyclic Cypress - 2023-05-22

22 May 13:39
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Full list of changes


  • Topiary website, web-based playground and logos.
  • Full Nickel formatting support.
  • Improved OCaml formatting support.
  • @append_antispace and @prepend_antispace formatting capture names.
  • WASM build target, for the web-based playground.
  • Arbitrary whitespace indentation support.
  • Exhaustive query checking in tests.
  • Maintain a CHANGELOG and a documented release process.


  • Move to a build configuration file, rather than a mixture of hardcoding and parsing query predicates at runtime.
  • Conditional predicates, in the query language, to reduce the number of formatting capture names.
  • Higher fidelity exit codes.
  • Idempotency check in terminal-based playground.
  • Reduced verbosity of failed integration test output.
  • Various improvements to the test suite.
  • Idiomatic improvements to the Rust codebase.
  • Restructured repository into a Cargo workspace.


  • OCaml idempotency issues.
  • Idempotency checking in integration tests.
  • Don't process queries that match below leaf nodes.
  • Skip over zero-byte matched nodes.

v0.1.0 - Benevolent Beech - 2023-03-09

08 Mar 10:59
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Full list of changes

This first public release focuses on the Topiary engine and providing decent OCaml formatting support, with the formatting capture names required to do so.

Formatting Capture Names

Language Support

  • OCaml (implementations and interfaces)
  • JSON
  • TOML
  • Nickel (experimental)
  • Bash (experimental)
  • Tree-sitter query language (experimental)
  • Rust (experimental)


  • Basic formatter authoring tools (terminal-based playground and tree visualisation)
  • pre-commit-hooks.nix support

Full Changelog: v0.0.1-prototype...v0.1.0

v0.0.1-prototype - Archetypal Aspen - 2022-06-14

27 Dec 10:11
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This prototype release was created exclusively to show the validity of the idea of using tree-sitter to build a formatter. It includes only a prototype JSON formatter.