The Peras design document is available here as a PDF.
You can build via Nix:
nix build
Or in the Nix shell (enter via nix develop
or nix-direnv) for a more interactive experience:
cd ./design
latexmk peras-design.tex
Resources on Peras, recommended to look at in roughly this order:
- Cardano Problem Statement (CPS) on "Settlement Speed", the objective of Peras:
- Cardano Improvement Proposal (CIP) on Peras directly: cardano-foundation/CIPs#872
- Rendered version of the proposal
- The SoW
- Video on Peras by an IOG researcher: (ignore the "Avoiding the cooldown phase" part at the end, this is not part of the "pre-alpha" version of Peras that we are focusing on)
- From the Peras web site:
- The FAQ
- The simulator
- The dashboard (just briefly at first)
- The technical reports (1&2), lots of overlap with the CIP, but sometimes more details, so makes sense to just skim them first