Uses networkQuality
on macOS 12+ to determine the current internet speed. This module requires the network
module to be installed and operating on the client Mac.
By default this module is disabled and will not run. The admin must enable and configure the module before it will run on the clients. See below for how to configure it.
The networkQuality
binary uses Apple's servers to determine network speeds. See for information about how it works.
When the module is enabled, you can trigger a one time retest of the current network by touching a file at /Users/Shared/.com.github.munkireport.speedtest
Be mindful of network congestion and data usage with this module. It is not recommended to enable this module on in office or lab locations. You are responsible for any network problems created or data overages caused by using this module.
All configuration keys are set within the MunkiReport
domain. See include mobile configuration profile for an example how to use a profile to configure this module.
By default the module is disabled. To enable the module, set speedtest_enabled
on the clients with:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist speedtest_enabled -bool True
By default the module does not get ISP information from's API ( No data about your Mac is sent to
To get information about the ISP, set speedtest_get_isp
on the clients with:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist speedtest_get_isp -bool True
By default the module does not collect and report on the IP's reported latitude and longitude coordinates from's API ( No data about your Mac is sent to Enabling this requires enabling speedtest_get_isp
To get the IP's reported latitude and longitude, set speedtest_get_location
on the clients with:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist speedtest_get_location -bool True
By default the module does not retest a network. To enable retesting networks once a week, set speedtest_weekly_run
on the clients with:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist speedtest_weekly_run -bool True
By default the module shows the last 5 networks it has run a speedtest on. If this is set on MacBooks or Macs that change networks often it could trigger them to retest the network speeds with every new network change.
To show only the current network, set speedtest_current_only
on the clients with:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist speedtest_current_only -bool True
By default the module does not show debug information on the client. To show the debug information and logic, set speedtest_debug_enabled
on the clients with:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/MunkiReport.plist speedtest_debug_enabled -bool True
- base_rtt (string) Base RTT (ping)
- country (string) Country of the external IP address
- dhcp_domain_name (string) Domain name from DHCP
- dhcp_domain_name_servers (string) DNS from DHCP
- dhcp_routers (string) Routers from DHCP
- dhcp_subnet_mask (string) Subnet mask from DHCP
- dl_flows (integer) Download flow count
- dl_responsiveness (integer) Responsiveness of download connection
- dl_bytes_transferred (bigInt) Downloaded data amount in bytes
- dl_throughput (bigInt) Download speed in bytes
- end_time (bigInt) Timestamp of when test ended
- external_ip (string) External IP address from network module
- external_ip_isp (string) External IP address from
- interface_name (string) Interface used for testing
- ipv4dns (string) IPv4 DNS server
- ipv4ip (string) IPv4 address
- ipv4mask (string) IPv4 network mask
- ipv4router (string) IPv4 router address
- ipv6ip (string) IPv6 address
- ipv6mask (int) IPv6 subnet mask
- isp (string) ISP as reported by
- isp_rating (string) ISP rating as reported by
- iteration (integer) Tests done on the network
- lat (float) Reported latitude of IP address by
- lon (float) Reported latitude of IP address by
- latest (boolean) If this is the current/latest test
- start_time (bigInt) Timestamp of when test started
- test_endpoint (string) The endpoint used to test network speeds
- ul_flows (interger) Upload flow count
- ul_responsiveness (integer) Responsiveness of upload connection
- ul_bytes_transferred (bigInt) Uploaded data amount in bytes
- ul_throughput (bigInt) Upload speed in bytes