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Tuura process mining library

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This is a collection of algorithms and command line tools for process mining that use Conditional Partial Order Graphs (and more generally Parameterised Graphs) as the underlying modelling formalism.

Getting the sources

Navigate to a directory to store the library and run this command to clone the code:

git clone

Building the library and tools

First of all, the Haskell tool Stack must be installed on your machine. This can be downloaded from here

Enter the process-mining directory and compile the process-mining library and the tools using the following commands:

stack setup --no-system-ghc
stack build

The command line tools can be run using the following commands:


stack exec pgminer -- <Arguments go here>

Building PGminer with Stack will produce a binary, which can be found in the .stack-work directory, inside the process-mining directory. This binary can be safely moved to a new directory if necessary. If using this binary, then this can simply be executed by running:

./pgminer <Arguments go here>


stack exec macroscope -- <Arguments go here>

Concurrency extraction with PGminer

PGminer is a tool for extracting concurrency from event logs. It takes a set of event traces, detects potentially concurrent events, and produces a set of partial orders, to be further compressed into a Conditional Partial Order Graph.

PGMiner can also be used to mine event logs containing a set of simulation traces of digital circuits. From graphs generated through mining these simulations, it can generate Boolean functions for a given variable. These functions can then be used to generate behavioural models via another tool, Plato

Using PGminer

The following usage info can be obtained by running stack exec pgminer -- --help or pgminer --help:

Usage: pgminer [input file] [OPTION...]
  -c         --concurrency-report  Print a list of concurrent pairs
  -o FILE    --output=FILE         Write output to a file
  -s         --split               Split traces with multiple event occurrences
  -b STRING  --bool=STRING         Variable for which a boolean function should be generated
  -h         --help                Show this help message

Given an event log (one space-separated trace per line) in standard input or an input file, PGminer prints a set of obtained partial orders to the standard output or to a specified output file. The discovered concurrency relation can also be printed out using -c option.

Example 1: L1 = {abcd, acbd}

Within the process-mining directory (or the same directory as the PGminer executable) create a simple text file with the filename L1.log. The body of this text file should contain the following event log representation of L1:

a b c d
a c b d

Now, to extract the concurrentcy from this event log, run the command:

stack exec pgminer -- L1.log -o L1.res -c

This will find one pair of concurrent events: (b, c). The set of extracted partial orders will be written to the file L1.res. In this case there will be only one partial order represented by the expression a -> b + a -> c + b -> d + c -> d.

Events b and c are declared concurrent because they appear in different orders in the event log (b before c and reverse) and the order of their occurrence is not indicated by any other events. With b and c concurrent both traces collapse into the same partial order a -> (b + c) -> d, as reported in L1.res.

Example 2: L2 = {abcd,acbd,abce}

Within the process-mining directory (or the same directory as the PGminer executable) create a simple text file with the filename L2.log. The body of this text file should contain the following event log representation of L2:

a b c d
a c b d
a b c e

Now, to extract the concurrentcy from this event log, run the command:

stack exec pgminer -- L2.log -o L2.res

This will not find any concurrent events, because event e indicates the order between b and c: whenever we observe event e in a trace we can be sure that b occurs before c in that trace. Thus, the resulting set of partial orders found in L2.res will contain three total orders matching the given event log:

p1 = a -> b + b -> c + c -> d
p2 = a -> b + b -> c + c -> e
p3 = a -> c + b -> d + c -> b

Example 3: Generating Boolean functions

Within the process-mining directory (or the same directory as the PGminer executable) create a simple text file with the filename L3.log. The body of this text file should contain the following, which is the simulation traces of a simple circuit:

a+ b+ c+
b+ a+ c+
a+ c+
b+ c+
b- a- c-
a- b- c-

Each line of this is the simulation trace of a circuit, identifying the order in which signals transition. This can be mined by PGminer, identifying concurrency. A common variable (or signal) in each of these traces is c. In some cases, signals transition high (identified by +) and in others, they transition low (-). Some signals must transition in either of these directions in order to cause the signal c to transition.

We can use PGminer to produce Boolean functions, one for c+ and one for c-. These functions will identify the way signals a and b must have transitioned in order for the given c transition to occur, using AND (&) and OR (|) functions.

To mine this specification and produce a Boolean function, we must use the -b or --bool flag, and provide a signal transition for which the generated Boolean function will cause. First of all, for c+ we run:

stack exec pgminer -- L3.log -b c+

This will produce the following function:

a & b | a | b

This states that, either a AND b must be high, OR a only must be high, OR b only must be high, in order for c+ to occur. This is not the most simplified Boolean function, but this is a correct function, and tools such as Plato will simplify this further.

To generate a function for c-, we use a similar command as for c+:

stack exec pgminer -- L3.log -b c-

The result will be the following function:

a' & b'

This states that, in order for c- to occur, both a AND b must be low.

Building, testing and running with Stack

You can build the library and executables using Stack. We intend to release the sources on Hackage in the near future.


stack build


stack test

Run PGminer

stack exec pgminer -- file.log

Here file.log is an input event log. Other arguments for PGminer, such as --split or the output file path should be placed after the -- separator, in order to differentiate arguments for Cabal from arguments for PGminer.


A library for process mining







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