This is a program can be set to eat you cpu and memory resource.
- precise control cpu core usage 0/1,3/1,5/1 core0,3,5 use 100% cpu
- fake log print
- cpu usage per core
- Windows
- x86 & x64 [OK]
- Linux
- x86 & x64 [OK]
- arm64 [OK]
- MacOS
- x86 & x64 [OK]
- M serial [core control not work]
cargo install lookbusy
lookbusy 0.3.0
You are busy.
lookbusy [OPTIONS]
-c, --cpu-num <CPU_NUM> how many cpu thread you want use [env: CPU_NUM=] [default: 1]
-C, --config <CONFIG> precise control cpu core by config file -C config.toml [env:
-h, --help Print help information
-l, --limit <LIMIT> cpu usage per thread % [env: LIMIT=] [default: 1]
-L, --log-path <LOG_PATH> fake log print [env: LOG_PATH=]
-m, --mem-size <MEM_SIZE> how many MB you want use [env: MEM_SIZE=] [default: 1024]
-V, --version Print version information
you can use command to quick start
./lookbusy -c 2 -m 4096
or use config file to control cpu core usage precisely
./lookbusy -C config.toml
toml example see config.example.toml
lookbusy [OPTIONS]
-c, --cpu-num <CPU_NUM> how many cpu thread you want use [default: 1]
-C, --config <CONFIG> precise control cpu core usage 0/1,3/1,5/1 core0,3,5 use 100% cpu
-h, --help Print help information
-l, --limit <LIMIT> cpu usage per thread % [default: 1]
-L, --log-path <LOG_PATH> fake log print
-m, --mem-size <MEM_SIZE> how many MB you want use [default: 1024]
-V, --version Print version information
[Core index] / [Cpu Usage Limit] / [Cpu Jitter]
core 0, Cpu 50% and with 50% jitter, so 0%-50% in core0.
core 4, Cpu 100%, 100% in core4.
Just like ./lookbusy -c 2 -m 4096