Automatically fetches "currently playing track" information from user's Spotify Account and writes it into a plain *.txt file. Also outputs it to console.
It utilizes Spotify's Web API
and specifically the endpoint for current track informations
. The user's refresh_token
is used to make continuous requests on behalf of the authorized user. After a one-time authorization process the refresh_token
is kept locally
I started streaming on Twitch and wanted to include my "currently playing" information within the stream's overlays. I am using OBS, so including text from a local *.txt is very simple.
- NodeJS & NPM
- CLIENT_ID & CLIENT_SECRET from the Spotify Developer Console
Install project
git clone
cd spotify-current-track
npm install
Create .env
file in project root directory, input CLIENT_ID & CLIENT_SECRET and a few other variables
Should look like this:
Start App
npm start
If you start it for the first time, follow the instructions in the console to authorize your user account with Spotify. After that, you should start to see the following:
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