An easy docker image and script to run ffmpeg, sox, opus-tools and imagemagick (including all subcommands they support, like soxi
or ffprobe
To install locally, clone this repo and copy the script somewhere in your PATH, e.g.:
chmod +x ./mediatool
sudo cp ./mediatool /usr/local/bin/
Or run from this repo directly:
bash <(curl -fSsL sox
You can also create an alias, e.g. for zsh users:
echo 'alias mediatool="bash <(curl -fSsL"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
Then you can run mediatool tool commands:
$ mediatool soxi opus-compare/candidate.opus
Input File : 'opus-compare/candidate.opus'
Channels : 2
Sample Rate : 48000
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:04:04.64 = 11742564 samples ~ 18347.8 CDDA sectors
File Size : 2.25M
Bit Rate : 73.7k
Sample Encoding: Opus
Comments :
ENCODER=opusenc from opus-tools 0.2
ENCODER_OPTIONS=--bitrate 72 --music --framesize 5 --discard-comments --discard-pictures
Or run inside the container's shell for multiple commands. Here's an example of generating and cropping a spectrogram from an opus audio file:
mediatool sh -c "
sox \
candidate.opus \
-n channels 1 \
gain -n -3 \
rate 44k \
spectrogram \
-x 5000 -o candidate.png && \
mogrify \
-strip \
-quality 70% \
-sampling-factor 4:2:0 \
-format jpg \
-crop 5000x500+58+30 \
candidate.png && \
rm -f candidate.png