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Primo Build Status

A client that wraps the Primo PNX REST API. The primary motivator for this wrapper is to set up the authentication against the Primo PNX server in a canonical and configurable way and to guard against changes and thus create dependencies to known stable fields.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'primo'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install primo



You'll need to configure the Primo gem to ensure you query the appropriate data. To do so in a rails app, create config/initializers/primo.rb with :

Primo.configure do |config|
  # An API Key is required for the hosted environment.
  config.apikey     = 'EXAMPLE_PRIMO_API_KEY'

  # An Institutation value is required for the local environment.
  config.inst     = 'EXAMPLE_INSTITUTION'

  # Primo gem defaults to querying Ex Libris's North American  Api servers. You can override that here.
  config.region   = "

  # By dafault advance queries are combined using the :AND logical operator.
  config.operator = :AND

  # By default queries use the :title field
  config.field = :sub

  # By default queries use the :contains precision
  config.precision = :exact

  # By default by id queries use the :L context
  config.context = :PC

  # By default the environment is assumed to be :hosted
  config.environment = :local

  # By default vid will be nil
  config.vid = "MYVID"

  # By default scope will be nil
  config.scope = "pci_scope"

  # By default the pcAvailability is set to false
  config.pcavailability = false

  # By default enable_loggagle is set to false
  config.enable_loggagle = false

  # By default timeout is set to 5 seconds
  config.timeout = 10

  # By default retries is set to 3 times
  config.retries = 3

  # By default we validate parameters.
  config.validate_parameters = false

  # We do not enable primo request logs by default
  config.enable_log_requests = false

  # By default we use the built in Ruby logger, but you can set it to another logger
  config.logger ="log/primo_requests.log")

  # Log level is set to :info by default
  config.log_level = :info

  # Log format is set to :logstash by deafult
  config.log_format = :logstash

  # debugging output is disabled by default
  config.enable_debug_output = false

  # The debug_output_stream is set to $stderr by default
  config.debug_output_stream = $stderr

Now you can access those configuration attributes with Primo.configuration.apikey

Making Requests

Making simple requests

Simple requests are easy:

  • Pass a string and you will query titles containing the string (the default field and precison used are configurable)



Making More advanced requests

  • Primo.find_by_id accepts a hash in order to pass in context or other attributes as defined in the Primo PNX REST API docs.
Primo.find_by_id(id: "foo", context: :PC)
  • Primo.find also accepts a hash of attributes as defined in the Primo PNX REST API page and returns the API request result wrapped in an instance of the Primo::Search class.

q is the only required parameter for this hash and it is either composed of a Primo::Search::Query object, or a hash that is converted into a Primo::Search::Query object.

  # q is an instance of Primo::Search::Query, see the next section for details.
  # defaults for :field and :precision are added if not included in the hash.
  response = Primo.find q: { field: sub:, precision: :contains, value: "goats" }
  # ...

(Advanced) Generating a Query object

query =
    precision: :exact,
    field: :facet_local23,
    value: "bar",
    operator: :AND)

This API wrapper validates the query object according the specifications documented in the Ex Libris Api docs for the query field.

(Advanced) Adding Facets to a query

Once you have your base query, you can add facet queries to limit the search

query =

  { field: "creator",
    value: "Williams, John",

response = Primo.find(q: query)    
Exclude Facets

By default, facets are include facets, so that records returned should include the value in the field. You can also set exclude facets for results that should not contain a value in a given field, by setting the operator parameter to :exclude

  { field: "creator",
    value: "Williams, John",
    operator: :exclude
Multiple Facets

You can also call facet multiple times to apply multiple facets

  field: "creator",
  value: "Williams, John",
    field: "format",
    value: "Book"
Date Range Facet

You can also add a date range facet (inclusive or execlusive)

  min: 1973, # defauls to 0
  max: 2012, # defaults to 9999
  operator: :exclude, #defaults inclusive
    field: "format",
    value: "Book"

Generating advanced queries with advanced operators

query =
    precision: :exact,
    field: :facet_local23,
    value: "bar",
    operator: :AND)

query.and( field: :title, precision: :contains, value: "foo")
query.or( field: :title, precision: :contains, value: "foo")
query.not( field: :title, precision: :contains, value: "foo")

Generating an advanced query with the #build method:

q1 = field: :title, precision: :contains, value: "foo"
q1 = field: :title, precision: :contains, value: "bar"
Primo::Search::Query::build([q1, q2])

This API wrapper validates the query object according the specifications documented in the Ex Libris Api docs for the query field.


Using :enable_loggable

This gem exposes a loggable interface to responses. Thus a response will respond to loggable and return a hash with state values that may be of use to log.

As a bonus, when we enable this feature using the enable_loggable configuration, error messages will contain the loggable values and be formatted as JSON.

Using logging configuration.

You can configure logging via the following configurations:

  • enable_log_requests: (true/false)
  • log_level
  • log_format
  • logger

The logger can be any logger including the Rails.logger. This logging feature is provided through HTTParty.

Debugging requests

You can configure debugging requests by setting the enable_debug_output configuration which is false by default. This feature is also provided through HTTParty.

You can configure the debug_output_stream which is set to $stderr by default.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


API wrapper for ExLibres Primo APIs







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