Firebase Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS 12.2+ and Android 19+. This project aims to provide an Open Source alternative to the commercially available FirebaseANEs
The wiki page contains extensive information on set-up and each of the FirebaseANEs.
The latest version (0.13.0) is built against iOS 13.3 SDK and now working. You must use a device with at least iOS 12.2 and set this as minimum version in you InfoAdditions
- The Issue Tracker is for reproducible bugs only. Use the supplied template.
- Spend at least 1 hour investigating the issue yourself.
- The project is open source, that is, the code is free to use and free to modify.
- Paid Support is available for anything which falls outside bug fixing and minor help.
Pull requests and contributions are welcome! This might entail:
- Fixing issues
- Adding any missing APIs
- Adding example projects for other IDEs such as Flash Builder, Animate, Visual Studio
- Firebase
- Firebase Core
- Analytics
- Authentication
- Dynamic Links
- Firestore
- Messaging
- Performance
- Remote Config
- Storage
- Google Sign In
- One Signal (Android only, iOS tbc)
- Invites
- Crashlytics
- Vision
- Cloud Text
- Cloud Document
- Cloud Label
- Landmark
- Model Interpreter
- MLKit
- Face
- Barcode
- Text
- Label
- Natural Language