A awesome list, not only from my Github stars! Generated by Awesome List Generator.
lab: A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research
kcws: Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment
path-to-regexp: Express-style path to regexp
vue-router: The official router for Vue.js.
vue-hackernews-2.0: HackerNews clone built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering
vue-meta: Manage page meta info in Vue 2.0 components. SSR + Streaming supported.
flv.js: HTML5 FLV Player
colors.js: get colors in your node.js console
chalk: Terminal string styling done right
cross-env: Cross platform setting of environment scripts
Surge: 新浪微博 @lhie1
BaiduPanDownload: 百度网盘不限速下载工具
sprockets-rails: Sprockets Rails integration
scrat: Webapp Modular Framework
fis3: FIS3
blog: 没事写写文章,喜欢的话请点star,想订阅点watch,千万别fork!
webpack-visualizer: Visualize your Webpack bundle
wooyun_search: 乌云公开漏洞、知识库搜索 search from wooyun.org
wooyun_public: 乌云公开漏洞、知识库爬虫和搜索 crawl and search for wooyun.org public bug(vulnerability) and drops
blog: my personal blog
normalize.css: A collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations
SpinKit: A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS
loaders.css: Delightful, performance-focused pure css loading animations.
nanobar: Very lightweight progress bars. No jQuery
turbolinks: Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster
nprogress: For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc
vue-progressbar: A lightweight progress bar for vue
nrm: NPM registry manager, fast switch between different registries: npm, cnpm, nj, taobao
n: Node version management
nvm: Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
autocomplete.js: autocomplete.js is lite, fast and stable.
crx-selection-translate: 让浏览任意语言的网站变得无比轻松的 Chrome 扩展程序。
Laravel-Markdown: A CommonMark wrapper for Laravel 5
markdown: A super fast, highly extensible markdown parser for PHP
syntaxhighlighter: SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.
prism: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
highlight.js: Javascript syntax highlighter
toc: jQuery Table of Contents Plugin
toc: Table of Contents jQuery Plugin - A minimal, tiny jQuery plugin that will generate a table of contents, drawing from headings on the page.
material-theme-jetbrains: JetBrains theme of Material Theme
eruda: Console for mobile browsers
vConsole: A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page.
- pngquant: Lossy PNG compressor — pngquant command and libimagequant library