An awesome list generator for your starred, but not only for starred.
Still in develop
Note: It is just a server. You can find browser script HERE.
Awesome List Generator requires the following to run:
Download and decompress
npm i forever -g
npm install
Turn to Github Setting to generate a new access token for Awesome List Generator.
You must choose repo -> public_repo.
You also have to perform this step after edit config file.
npm run init
On Linux systems, any port below 1024 requires root access.
npm test
npm run start // Start
npm run stop // Stop
- Still in develop, do not used in production.
- It is just a server. You can find browser script here.
- On Linux systems, any port below 1024 requires root access.
- You have to run
npm run init
after edit config file.
- Code optimization
- Queue
Awesome List Generator is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright © 2016, ttionya