This requires building a special (32-bit) BWAPILauncher-4.1.2. On ubuntu, you might need to apt install g++-multilib to be able to compile 32 bit programs.
# git clone
# cd bwapi-bot-loader; mkdir build; cd build
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
# make -j
build BWAPILauncher-4.1.2 (don't do make install, since it might install 32 bit libraries which you don't want)
# git clone
# git clone
# cd bwapi; mkdir build; cd build
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOPENBW_DIR=../../openbw -DBUILD_COMPAT=1 ..
# make -j
# BWAPI_CONFIG_AI__AI=./bwapi-bot-loader/build/ ./bwapi/build/bin/BWAPILauncher-4.1.2