My collection of development resources.
- Jump Start Sass - Get a Jump Start on the popular CSS preprocessor Sass today! Book by Hugo Giraudel and Miriam Suzanne.
- CSS Secrets - Better Solutions to Everyday Web Design Problems.
- DISCOVER three.js - everything that you need to know to make cutting-edge websites using the three.js WebGL framework.
frontendmasters - Advance your skills with in-depth, modern JavaScript and front-end engineering courses.
egghead - Concise screencast video tutorials that cover the best tools, libraries, and frameworks that modern javascript web developers can use to code more effectively and stay current.
wesbos - awesome Articles, Videos and Tutorials
Servers for Hackers - What programmers need to know about servers
pluralsight - The technology learning platform that provides web development.
laracasts - Learn practical, modern web development, through expert screencasts.
Udemy - is an online learning platform. It is aimed at professional adults.
- - Technology and Business Training
Interneting Is Hard - Web Development Tutorials For Complete Beginners
Scrimba - Scrimba is a community of developers sharing knowledge through interactive coding screencasts.
- Coding Tech - Coding Tech partners with the tech conferences around the world that provided Coding Tech
- The Net Ninja - Black-belt your development skills. Tutorials on Node.js, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Vue.js, React and much more...
- Erik Hanchett - Program With Erik( programming tutorials on your favorite frameworks.
- Wes Bos - HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WordPress web development tutorials!
- keyframers - An animated, collaborative coding live stream by @davidkpiano & @shshaw.
- DevTips - DevTips is a weekly show for YOU who want to be inspired and learn about programming
- DevMarketer - DevTips is a weekly show for YOU who want to be inspired and learn about programming
- The 10 Days of JavaScript - JavaScript course by Brad Schiff
- Layout Land - Learn what's now possible in graphic design on the web — layout, CSS Grid, and more. A series for designers and web developers.
- ShopTalk - An internet radio show about the internet starring Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier.
- CodePen Radio - A podcast all about what it's like running a small web software business. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
- CSS Variable Secrets - This talk will show how CSS Variables are much more powerful than static preprocessor variables and can be used today without compromising progressive enhancement
- What’s next for CSS? - cssdb is a comprehensive list of CSS features and their positions in the process of becoming implemented web standards.
- scotch - fun and practical web development. not just the code, but the reasons behind it
- codrops - Codrops is a web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities.
- Superhero.js - Creating, testing and maintaining a large JavaScript code base is not easy — especially since great resources on how to do this are hard to find.
- freefrontend - Free hand-picked HTML and CSS code examples, tutorials and article
- bitsofco - Articles on Frontend Development. All articles are written by Ire Aderinokun, Frontend Developer and User Interface Designer.
- flaviocopes - I write tutorials for JavaScript developers
- benrobertson - Ben Robertson is front-end web developer writing about front end development and web accessibility.
- CodyHouse - CodyHouse is an arsenal of production-ready components and tools that empower web designers to craft digital experiences faster and better.
- webplatform - Daily content for web developers, funded by its readers.
- - Where programmers share ideas and help each other grow.
- Zdog - Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
- Know it all - The goal of know-it-all is to help you discover things that you don't know about web development.
- JavaScript Event KeyCodes - Keycode testing tool - which keys map to which keycodes?
- Lapa Ninja - The best landing page design inspiration from around the web
- FontPair - Font Pair helps designers pair Google Fonts together. Beautiful Google Font combinations and pairs
- Typography made easy - Find a font combination for your design needs
- typespiration - Free inspirational web font combinations with color palettes and ready-to-use HTML/CSS code
- betterwebtype - Web typography for web designers and web developers
- variable fonts - Fontsmith Variable Fonts | Interactive Microsite
- Pablo The Flamingo - Come and party with Pablo the Flamingo! Whatever you do, don't stop the music.
- Upcoming conferences - CSS-Tricks Conference Listing Site
- - Find your next tech conference
- CSSconf - CSSconf is a conference dedicated to the designers and developers who build the world’s most engaging user interfaces
- dotConferences - dotConferences is a series of high-caliber developer events in Paris.
- slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
- flickity - Touch, responsive, flickable carousels
- swiper - Swiper component for @vuejs
- PageSpeed - Analyze your site performance
- gitignore - Create useful .gitignore files for your project
- codesandbox - CodeSandbox is an online code editor with a focus on creating and sharing web application projects.
- tunnelbear - TunnelBear: Secure VPN Service
- Trello - Trello is a web-based project management application
- Grid Garden - A game for learning CSS grid layout
- Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox
- Flexbox Defense - Your job is to stop the incoming enemies from getting past your defenses. Unlike other tower defense games, you must position your towers using CSS!
- flexbox zombies - Master Flexbox layout: a story course by geddski
- Grid Critters - Completely master CSS Grid once and for all by playing Grid Critters: the Grid Mastery Game.
- CSS Diner - A fun game to help you learn and practice CSS selectors.
- CodinGame - Solve challenging coding problems fun games. Supports all programming languages.
- Code Combat - CodeCombat is a platform for students to learn computer science while playing through a real game. It is a community project, with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels. Supports Java, JavaScript, Python, Lua, CoffeeScript.
- Screeps - Learn to code JavaScript by playing game. This game claims to be the world’s first MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers.
- Design Patterns - Design Patterns Game implemented in JavaScript
- codepen - Job Listings on CodePen. The front-end design and development
- css-tricks - Jobs for Front End Developers and Designers
- stackoverflow - Developer Jobs, Programming Jobs
- idealist - Idealist connects millions of idealists – people who want to do good – with opportunities for action and collaboration all over the world
- smashingmagazine - Smashing Jobs is here to help designers and developers alike to find jobs and connect with great companies.
- Front End Remote Jobs - fully remote jobs for front end developers
- job board - The job board for front-end & full stack web developers. Find remote, local or freelance jobs.
- remote4me - an aggregator for remote jobs
- kickresume - Create a standout resume, cover letter and personal website in minutes.
- Hugo Giraudel - French front-end developer based in Berlin
- Sarah Drasner - Award-winning speaker. JS @Microsoft. @vuejs Core Team, Writer @css, co-organizer @ConcatenateConf