Ultra light reactive library for XAML-binding applications for NETStandart 2.0.
- Source code writing simple as much as possible and will be kept small size in the future.
- If you want to avoid writing boilerplate code without postprocessors or complex libraries that being a black box.
- Use library doesn't require ViewModel class will be inherited from classes or decorated attributes.
- Zero dependencies. Only NETStandart 2.0.
- Support with all XAML frameworks
public class ViewModel {
public ReactiveProperty<string> CoolProperty { get; private set; }
public ParameterlessCommand ChangeValue { get; private set; }
public MainPageViewModel () {
CoolProperty = new ReactiveProperty<string> ( "" );
ChangeValue = new ParameterlessCommand( changeValue );
public changeValue() {
CoolProperty.SetValue( "Changed!!!!" );
Text="{Binding CoolProperty.Value}"
<Button Command="{Binding ChangeValue}">