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NextJS + WordPress REST API Boilerplate built by TRBL

This repo provides a boilerplate for pairing the WP Rest API with a NextJS React client, built by TRBL.

Wordpress, MySQL, PHP and PHPMyAdmin are all provided by Docker which makes it easy to spin up new instances of WP sites both for local development and for production on hosts like DigitalOcean.

Getting Started

Clone this repository locally and cd to the client folder and type npm install or yarn.

Set Up Environment

The NextJS app relies on an .env file to configure itself to its environment, and this repo ships with an example that you can copy and rename. To do so, make sure you're still in the /client directory, and then duplicate / rename .env.example by running cp .env.example .env. The example .env file comes preloaded with the URL to the default Docker installation of Wordpress.


First, make sure you have Docker installed locally. Once you do, cd to /api to duplicate and rename docker-compose.yml.example by running cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml. Now we need to edit api/docker-compose.yml to link your local filesystem with Docker's Wordpress files. To do so, open up our newly duplicated docker-compose.yml and change the following to match your local install directory.

NOTE: You only need to change the path located before the colon. In this case, replace ~/www/next-wp-rest with your install directory.

  	- ~/www/next-wp-rest/api:/var/www/html:delegated
  	- ~/www/next-wp-rest/api/.database:/var/lib/mysql:delegated

You may want to also swap all next_wp_rest_ prefixes for your project's abbreviation to avoid using the same container across multiple projects.

Feel free to make any other changes you'd like to the default user and database configurations but there's no real need locally. Just don't use defaults in production.

Next, fire up Docker if it isn't already. Once this is done, ensure you're still in the api directory and and type docker-compose up -d. You can now reach your WP instance via http://localhost:8080.

Wordpress Configuration

After you're up and running, we need to navigate to http://localhost:8080/wp-admin and perform the following steps to Wordpress:

  1. Activate the Next WP Rest theme
  2. Activate plugin ACF PRO
  3. Activate TRBL REST and ACF Form Builder
  4. Enable Pages and Posts within Settings -> TRBL REST API Settings
  5. Add a new page called Home, set it to use the Home page template, and then set it as your front page in the Settings -> Reading -> Your homepage displays section
  6. Change Permalinks to the Post Name option
  7. Update your Site Address within Settings -> General to your SSR app (default: http://localhost:3000)

Booting up the client side

Run yarn dev or npm run dev in the client folder and then navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Included Plugins

We've bundled ACF Pro and a few homegrown plugins that we use on all our production WP sites:


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