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TS SPECT Firmware

This repository contains the Makefile and associated scripts necessary to build firmware for a specific project. The primary Makefile, named Makefile, orchestrates the build process and provides various targets for compiling, releasing, and managing the firmware.

SPECT Firmware API

Table of Contents

  1. Licensing
  2. Repository structure
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Build firmware
  5. Release
  6. Test/Simulate firmware
    1. Test vectors


Everything in this repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, unless otherwise stated (for the complete wording, see LICENSE file).

Repository structure

  • data : configuration files for constants used by the firmware (primes, curve parameters, etc.)
  • doc : firmware and algorithms documentation
  • fit : directory dedicated to evaluation done by FIT, CTU in Prague
  • muni : (obsolete) directory dedicated to evaluation done by MUNI in Brno
  • release : compiled application and debug firmware
  • release_boot : compiled firmware for EdDSA signature verification needed during TROPIC01 boot phase
  • scripts : scripts needed to generate constants, memory layouts etc. from configuration files
  • src : all firmware source files
  • tests : all python tests, models and custom test vectors


  1. Cloning repository and setting the environment variable TS_REPO_ROOT to the repository root.

    # clone the spect firmware repository 
    git clone --recurse-submodules
    # set env var TS_REPO_ROOT from root of repository
    cd ts-spect-fw
    export TS_REPO_ROOT=`pwd`
  2. Ensure you have the spect_compiler and spect_iss binaries in the environment path. These are part of the ts-spect-compiler repository.

    spect_compiler --help
    spect_iss --help
  3. Ensure that Python and certain Python packages are installed on your system or python environment:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Build firmware

The primary Makefile orchestrates the build process and provides various targets for compiling, releasing and managing the firmware. Run the desired build target using make.

  1. To compile application firmware to build directory, use:

    make compile
  2. To release application and boot firmware to release directory, use:

    make release
  3. To compile MPW1 version of the firmware to build_mpw and build_mpw1_boot directory, use:

    make compile_mpw1 && make compile_boot_mpw1
  4. To restore the state of the repository, use:

    make clear
  5. For a complete list of targets, consult the Makefile or run:

    grep : Makefile | awk -F: '/^[^.]/ {print $1;}'


Release application and boot firmware with

make release

This creates release directory with following structure:

Name Type Description
spect_app.hex File Compiled application firmware
spect_boot.hex File Compiled boot firware
spect_const_rom_code.hex File Constants ROM code
dump Directory Program and symbols dump files for both firmwares
log Directory Compilation log files for both firmwares

Test/Simulate firmware

Python scrips for firmware testing and simulation are located in tests directory. The scripts generates or read test vector, preload SPECTs input buffers and key slots, setup configuration files for spect_iss and run it.

Python tests expects firmware to be build before using make. Besides python tests, there are 3 scripts to run certain set of tests.

Name Description Compiles and tests application firmware Compiles and tests MPW1 firmware (app + boot) Tests released firmware (app + boot), previously compiled to release directory

Test Vectors

Tests are randomized by default. Test vectors are generated for each run using python models in models.

Test vectors can be also specified using YAML file and --testvec option to define parameters of test (private, public key, z coordinate, randomization).

See testvec for test vector examples.

NOTE: Only and currently supports custom test vectors.

cd tests
./ --testvec testvec/x25519_dbg_testvec.yml
./ --testvec testvec/ecdsa_dbg_testvec.yml

The test_*.py file controls test execution, output logs generate in tests/<test_name_directory>