- Rails 5 (requires ruby 2.2.2+)
- PostgreSQL 9.5.12
- Bootstrap 4
Install steps performed on Linux Mint OS based on Ubuntu 16.04.
git clone [email protected]:trodicaro/movies.git
cd movies
gem install bundler
export MOVIES_DATABASE_PASSWORD=your_password
(redo this step when rebooting)- if postgres user password not known (per this SO thread):
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';" && sudo service postgresql restart
sudo -u postgres -- psql -c "CREATE USER movies with password 'your_password';"
(a PostgreSQL install tutorial on this Digital Ocean how-to)
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate
bundle exec rspec
rails s
and in browser visit
- As a customer I want to see a page with upcoming movies scheduled at each theater
- As a customer I want to see which movies are sold out (disabled)
- As a customer I want to purchase tickets for an available showing
- As a customer I want to receive an email confirmation (not implemented yet)
- As a theater owner I want to see on my dashboard popular movies
- As a theater owner I want to see on my dashboard popular times
- As a theater owner I want to see on my dashboard revenue by day of the week
- As a theater owner I want to see on my dashboard total revenue (not implemented yet)
- set up FactoryBot, Database Cleaner and write tests for the existing functionality as well as going forward authentication to use dashboard
- automate the setup (sample how-to)
- continuous integration and test coverage (sample how-to)
- save pics with Paperclip (sample how-to)
- React-ify some components (eg:movie, movie list, etc)
- Implement tablesorter widgets for subtotals and filtering.
- App seeds and uses links for movie images via themoviedb API - must be connected to internet to work
- Removed gem Spring - it kept not killing the server processes and it lead to errors with registering new code (eg: changes in secrets.yml didn't reflect in Rails.application.secrets)