This repository provides jupyter notebooks with analyses for paper "Evaluating reanalysis datasets as meteorological input for estimating reference evapotranspiration over Africa and the Near East" (Submitted to Hydrological Sciences Journal)
In this study, we evaluated the meteorological input for RET from reanalysis data.
Our assessment entails three components: uncertainty between products, nominal accuracy, and quantitative impact of uncertainty in inputs on RET.
The uncertainty between products was assessed by spatial and temporal pair-wise comparison. The nominal accuracy was assessed by comparison with time-series data from in-situ measurements. Finally, the impact of uncertainty in inputs on RET was assessed by two error propagation methods (Monte Carlo simulations and Taylor expansion)
- ERA5 data are accessible at
- AgERA5 data are accessible at
- GEOS5 data are accessible at
- TAHMO dataset is available on request to the data providers at
conda env create --file environment.yml
Tran, B. N., Dehati, S., Seyoum, S., van der Kwast, J., Jewitt, G., Uijlenhoet, R., and Mul, M. (2024). Evaluating reanalysis datasets as meteorological input for estimating reference evapotranspiration over Africa and the Near East (Version 1.0) [Code].