Releases: trishantpahwa/dorky
Releases · trishantpahwa/dorky
First release
- Updated and created first release. e28bf0d
- Updated npm tests. dba5912
- Added pull command to pull files from server. cd6974d
- Updated 7f08237
- Completed push command operations, added help text, and checks for env variables on start. edddf69
- Deletes removed records. 5863be2
- Completed half of algorithm to update existing folder in s3. feaae81
- Removed unnecessary vairable that stored METADATA_FILE location. 90790ed
- Removed unnecessary vairable that read METADATA file. 0b9b2fe
- Added reset command to remove file from stage-1-files. 52fde0d
- Converts uploaded-files array to set and then back to array, to avoid duplication. 1ff21de
- Indicated to pre-check the AWS keys in 9b3c354
- Replaced __dirname with process.cwd() and modified function to check if folder already exists in s3. 54a0dc2
- Added exceptional case for files that are already uploaded. df5ec24
- Added push command to upload files for a new project. 4623999
- Added pull commands to 31b7ad3
- Modified variable name for stage-1 files in add command. f94cf78
- Added aws-sdk to project. ccf509f
- Updated with steps to use. b891e33
- Now adds files to stage-1. 7db38c6
- Modified metadata.json's structure and added comments to easily understand usage of functions." 5d750f8
- Added file's list on dorky initialization. 55ce5ae
- Now writes file as JSON to initialize metadata.json in .dorky. 4cbf5f4
- Fixed empty data to write in file bug. 3e5a090
- Added metadata file to keep record of stages. 251da97
- Fixed empty .dorkyignore file bug. e601f46
- Updated initialization of dorky project. 1c1486c
- Changed array of exclusions to file(.dorkyignore). 42e922e
- Added project initialization command. 4c70cb6
- Added bin data to run script from command line. 9f9c8bb
- Returns relative path. 813d67b
- Seperated function to list files. d4c583b
- Added chalk to format cli output. e8eb418
- Excludes files and folders that are not required. 587fa4d
- Added glob to parse files within a directory. 916939a
- Initialized npm package. 35c2949