Topic: Retrieving the time from a photo of a clock
- Input: At least 5 photos containing analog wall clocks with varying content (different clock types, 1-2 hour time differences, non-coincident clock hands).
- Output:
- Draw rectangular frames around hour, minute, and second hands in each photo, with distinct colors. Automated frame drawing, not manual.
- Output time as hours:minutes:seconds for each photo.
The method uses cv2.HoughCircles or cv2.findContours to detect clocks, then cv2.HoughLinesP to detect hands. Mathematical methods calculate hand rotation angles, leading to time inference.
Step 1: Image Preprocessing
- Resize image for complexity reduction.
- Convert BGR to HSV color space for brightness and color handling.
- Invert HSV color to enhance contrast.
- Apply Otsu thresholding to HSV channel V for binary image.
- Gaussian blur to reduce noise.
Step 2: Clock Detection
- Use cv2.HoughCircles or cv2.findContours.
- Identify largest circle or contour as clock.
Step 3: Detect Line Segments
- Apply Canny filter to find edges.
- Use HoughLinesP to detect straight lines.
Step 4: Group Lines
- Find close, nearly parallel lines.
- Group lines within clock radius and similar angles.
Step 5: Detect Clock Hands
- Find endpoints of line segments.
- Create clock hands from farthest point to clock center.
- Determine hand thickness.
Step 6: Determine Hand Types
- Identify hour, minute, and second hands.
Step 7: Draw Frames
- Use cv2.rectangle to frame clock hands.
- Use cv2.putText to label hands.
Step 8: Determine Rotation Angle
- Calculate angle between clock hands and center.
Step 9: Calculate Time
- Calculate time from hand angles.
Step 10: Draw Time on Image
- Draw time on Image
To test the clock time extraction functions on 10 images, run the following command: python images/ adjusted_images/
This command will process the clock images located in the images/ directory and save the adjusted clock images in the adjusted_images/ directory. Make sure to replace images/ and adjusted_images/ with the actual paths to your input and output directories.
Author: TrietCS
Course: Introduction to Digital Image Processing