This is a study project that simulates an Airline API and a website that consumes it. The API was built using Java 17 and the Spring Boot framework, with Gradle as the dependency manager.
For the frontend, I chose the React JS framework.
Once again: this project was developed for studying purposes, so any comments or criticism are more than welcome.
- The user email is unique;
- The user password can't match it's email;
- The user password must contain letters and numbers;
- A flight can't have it's destination matching it's origin or the other way around;
- A flight date can't be retractive;
- A reservation can't have more seats than it's flight have available;
First you need to start the API. Open it with your favorite IDE (I used JetBrains IntelliJ). then run the build command in the command line:
gradle build
After that, run the main file:
Now that the API is running, we have to initiate the front end application.
Again: open the project in your favorite IDE and run the start command:
npm run dev
POST /user
"name": "string",
"adress": {
"zipCode": "string",
"number": "string",
"country": "string"
"email": "string",
"password": "string"
PUT /user/{id} The {id} is a requested param that defines the user to be updated and isn't included in the json.
"name": "string",
"adress": {
"zipCode": "string",
"number": "string",
"country": "string"
"email": "string",
"password": "string"
GET /user/{id}
Returns the user with the provided id.
GET /user/all
Returns all the active users.
DELETE /user/{id}
Deactivate the user but maintains it on the database.
POST /flight
"flightDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"origin": "Airport",
"destination": "Airport",
"availableSeats": 0
PUT /flight/{id}
"flightDate": "2023-06-19",
"origin": "GRU",
"destination": "GRU",
"availableSeats": 0
GET /flight/{id}
Returns the flight with the provided id.
GET /flight/all
Returns all the active flights.
GET /flight/origin
Returns all the active flights by origin.
GET /flight/destination
Returns all the active flights by destination.
DELETE /flight/{id}
Deactivate the flight but maintains it on the database.
POST /reservation
"flightId": 0,
"userId": 0,
"numberOfSeats": 0,
"payment": {
"userId": 0,
"value": 0,
"typeOfPayment": "CREDIT"
PUT /reservation/{id}
"numberOfSeats": 0
GET /reservation/{id}
Returns the reservation with the provided id.
GET /reservation/all
Returns all the active reservations.
DELETE /reservation/{id}
Deactivate the reservation but maintains it on the database.
PUT payment/{id}
"userId": 0,
"value": 0,
"typeOfPayment": "TYPE OF PAYMENT"
GET /payment/{id}
Returns the payment with the provided id.
GET /payment/all
Returns all the active payments.
DELETE /payment/{id}
Deactivate the payment but maintains it on the database.