Avro codec and schema registry support for Faust.
- Get asdf
- Install python:
asdf install python
- Get poetry
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdispater/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python
- As with any code asking you to do this from the internet, you should really first download get-poetry.py and inspect it to make sure it doesn't do anything bad, then run the copy you inspected.
- Or you can just
pip install poetry
to stick it inside the main python install by asdf. If you switch python versions and get errors about reshimming poetry, that version of python doesn't have poetry installed.
poetry install
Most directions here assume you have the poetry-created virtualenv active. Some form of source .venv/bin/activate
(or source .venv/bin/activate.(csh|fish)
) should activate the environment for you, or you can configure your shell to auto-activate, eg:
$ cat ~/.config/fish/functions/cd.fish
#!/bin/env fish
function cd -d "change directory, and activate virtualenvs, if available"
# first and foremost, change directory
builtin cd $argv
# find a parent git directory
if git rev-parse --show-toplevel >/dev/null ^/dev/null
set gitdir (realpath (git rev-parse --show-toplevel))
set gitdir ""
# if that directory contains a virtualenv in a ".venv" directory, activate it
if test \( -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" -o "$VIRTUAL_ENV" != "$gitdir/.venv" \) -a -f "$gitdir/.venv/bin/activate.fish"
source $gitdir/.venv/bin/activate.fish
# deactivate an active virtualenv if not int a git directory with an ".venv"
if test -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" -a "$VIRTUAL_ENV" != "$gitdir/.venv"
Install git pre-commit hooks via pre-commit install
. These will auto-run black and isort to ensure your code is pretty no matter what editor you use. This must be done inside an activated environment.