Implements a native Elixir implementation of Amazon's Kinesis Client Library (KCL). The KCL is a Java library that uses a DynamoDB table to keep track of how far an app has processed a Kinesis stream and to correctly handle shard splits and merges.
By using this library, you get the above functionality without the need to deploy a the KCL Multilang Daemon.
Add this to your dependencies
{:kinesis_client, "~> 0.1.0"},
and run mix deps.get
Stream processing and acknowledgement is handled in a Broadway pipeline. Here's a basic configuration:
opts = [
stream_name: "kcl-ex-test-stream",
app_name: "my-test-app",
shard_consumer: MyShardConsumer,
app_state_opts: [adapter: :ecto, repo: AssessmentService.Repo], # Or [adapter: :dynamo] or just []
processors: [
default: [
concurrency: 1,
min_demand: 10,
max_demand: 20
batchers: [
default: [
concurrency: 1,
batch_size: 40
needs to implement the Broadway
behaviour. You will want to
start the KinesisClient.Stream
in your application's supervision tree.
If you're concerned with processing every message in your Kinesis Stream
successfully, you'll likely want to keep processor and batch concurrency set to 1
This is because you can only process a Kinesis stream by checkpointing where
you're at, as opposed to ack-ing individual messages like you can with SQS.
Increase the number of shards if you want to increase processing throughput.
If increasing the number of shards is not possible or desirable, I would
recommend fanning out in the handle_batch/4
callback of your shard consumer.
Configuring dead letter queues and partitioning are dependent on your
application's requirements and the structure of your data.
the tests by default require localstack to be installed and running. How to do that is outside the scope of this readme, but here's how I'm doing it currently:
SERVICES=kinesis,dynamodb localstack start --host
- Test shard merges and splits more thoroughly
- Implement a work stealing algorithim to help distribute the load among different Elixir nodes processing the same app.