Manticore 0.2.2
0.2.2 - 2018-10-30
Thanks to our external contributors!
- New API for generating a testcase only if a certain condition can be true in the state. Useful for conveniently
checking an invariant in a state, and (ManticoreEVM.generate_testcase(..., only_if=)
) generating a testcase if it
can be violated. - New
optional parameter forState.solve_one
. After solving for a symbolic variable,
mutate the state by applying that solution as a constraint. Useful if concretizing a few symbolic variables, and later
concretizations should take into account previously solved for values. ManticoreEVM.human_transactions
top level API. MirrorsManticoreEVM.transactions
, but does not contain any internal
transactions.- Emit generated transaction data in human readable format (JSON)
- Warning messages if number of passed arguments to a Solidity function is inconsistent with the number declared
- CLI support for the ReentrancyAdvancedDetector
- Colored CLI output
- Configuration system. Allows configuration options to be specified in a config file. New configurations are available,
notably including solver parameters such as solver timeout, and memory limits. - Support for some unimplemented x86 XMM instructions
- Customizable symbolic stdin input buffer size
- Support for Etheno
that can be used to detect transaction order dependencies bugs
- Improve the DetectExternalCallAndLeak detector and reduce false positives
- Numerous improvements and changes to the SolidityMetadata API
- Ethereum contract addresses are no longer random, but are deterministically calculated according to the Yellow Paper
- Manticore no longer supports contracts with symbolic addresses creating new contracts. This is a consequence of
supporting determinstic contrat address calculation. There are plans for reenabling this capability in a future release.
- Several SolidityMetadata APIs:
- Numerous fixes and enhancements to the Ethereum ABI implementation
- Better handling of overloaded functions in SolidityMetadata, and other bug fixes
- Fixes for the FilterFunctions plugin
- Fixes for symbolic SHA3 handling
- Many EVM correctness/consensus fixes
- Numerous spelling errors