A simple gem to load ActiveRecord seeds files from a Excel Spreadsheet, OpenOffice Spreadsheet, or CSV. Coming soon: Google Drive Spreadsheets. Note: this will deletes any existing data in the seed tables before importing.
- Ruby 1.9
Add to gemfile:
gem 'importeroo', :git => "[email protected]:tracedwax/importeroo.git"
require 'importeroo/importer'
Importeroo::Importer.new(MyActiveRecordClass, "FileType", "path/to/file").import!
Importeroo::Importer.new(MyActiveRecordClass, "Google", "KEYcodeFROMgdocsURL")
The code for the google doc is the long alphanumeric key listed in the URL. For example:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmX1I4h6m35OdFhlbDdLdnZfTUFnSVRzd0hqMjM1bUE#gid=0, the key is 0AmX1I4h6m35OdFhlbDdLdnZfTUFnSVRzd0hqMjM1bUE.
If your doc is not visible to anyone with the URL, you will also need to set the google username and password in config/importeroo.rb, or anywhere:
Importeroo.google_username = ENV["GOOGLE_USERNAME"]
Importeroo.google_password = ENV["GOOGLE_PASSWORD"]
Importeroo::Importer.new(MyActiveRecordClass, "CSV", "path/to/file.csv")
Importeroo::Importer.new(MyActiveRecordClass, "Excelx", "path/to/file.xlsx") # current Excel
Importeroo::Importer.new(MyActiveRecordClass, "Excel", "path/to/file.xls") # old Excel
Importeroo::Importer.new(MyActiveRecordClass, "OpenOffice", "path/to/file.ods")
Recommended path to file: