Musik is a simple music recognition application
Please note that this is an ongoing project
- Apache Flink >= 1.2.1
- Apache Cassandra >= 2.0
- Apache Thrift = 0.11.0 (for development)
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests
There are there parts in the Musik.
The first one is indexing the audio files (MP3),
$ flink run musik-index-0.1.jar -input file:///tmp/music -host \
-port 9042 -db musik -username cassandra -password cassandra -table signals
The second one is analyzing audio files on the real time,
$ flink run musik-index-server-0.1.jar -host -port 9042 \
-db musik -username cassandra -password cassandra -table signals \
-name musik -rpc_port 8081
and the third one is user interface,
$ java -jar musik-web-0.1.jar -port 8080 -rpc_host=localhost -rpc_port 8081
- Andrew Embury - octo loader - []
- Filippo Valsorda - mkcert - []