The aim of the project was to implement the Neural Style Transfer Algorithm - one of the exciting applications of Convolutional Neural Networks.
- The project started with understanding of Deep Learning and Artificial Neural Networks.
- With the knowledge of Gradient Descent Algorithm and other primary concepts, we trained a Two Layer Neural Network on MNIST Dataset to classify digits, from scratch using Numpy.
- Next, we learnt many Optimization Algorithms and tuning of Hyperparameters to refine the Neural Network.Further, we implemented a more efficient Neural Network using the PyTorch Framework to classify the digits.
- Then, we learnt the working of Convolutional Neural Networks and studied various CNN Architectures.
- We then learnt and implemented the Neural Style Transfer Algorithm using PyTorch framework.
The technique involves taking two images—a content image(C) and a style reference image(S) (such as an artwork by a famous painter)—and blending them together such that the output image(G) looks like the content image, but “painted” in the style of the style reference image (as shown below).
- A Cost Function (J) is defined that measures how good is our Generated image (G).
- There are two parts to this Cost Function.
- The first part is called the Content Loss function which is a function of the Content image and the Generated image.It measures how similar is the contents of Generated image to the content of the Content image.
- The second part is the Style Loss function which is a function of the Style Reference image and the Generated Image.It measures how similar is the style of the Generated image to the style of the Style Reference image
- Pretrained VGG-19 ConvNet is used to implement the algorithm, owing to its ability to extract more complex features from both content and style images.
In the network shown below-
- The feature maps of the Style image extracted from the layers marked in red are used to store the style of the Style image.
- The feature map of the Content image in the layer marked in blue is used to extract the content of the Content image.
- A Gram Matrix is then calculated which mathematically gives us the correlation between the feature maps of an image, which in simple terms, stores the style of an image.
- Content loss is then found by simply finding the Mean Squared Error between the feature maps of the content and generated images.
- Next, Style loss is calculated as the Mean Squared Error between the gram matrices of the style and generated images.
- The pixels of the Generated image G are then trained to minimize the loss, which implies that the pixels of the Generated Image reach a stage whwere the image looks like the Content image in the style of the Style Reference image.
- After fine tuning of the parameters, the following results were obtained.
- One can infer that if the Content and Style images are chosen appropriately, the result may turn to be a fanatastic and artistically pleasing image.
- Python
- Numpy
- PyTorch
- Matplotlib