Hello there, this is the CSSI translation app. Currently this webapp supports English to French translation and vice versa (This functionality can be easily extended by changing a few lines of code as the app has access to all supported languages of the google translate cloud API). Here are the instructions to run this app:
- In order to run this web app, it is required to have a google service account with access to the translation API service.
- Then the JSON containing the API secrets has to placed into
folder. - Then in the
file, all instances of the project-id should be set to your project id which can be acquired from google cloud platform
- Navigate to the folder that contains the
file - Open the console at this location and run the following commands
dotnet restore
npm install
dotnet build
dotnet run
- In the browser go navigate to
- The app should be started.
- Navigate to the parent directory (where the .sln file is) and run the following command to create the image:
docker build -f .\CSSITranslatorApp\Dockerfile --force-rm -t cssitranslatorimage .
- run the following command to create the container:
docker run -it -p 4242:80 --name cssitranslator cssitranslatorimage